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dismissed from LD, but still in trouble

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Last school year, my daughter had an annual IEP done. At that time it was decided by the school that she no longer needed LD services, although the evaluator wrote in on the evaluation sheet that she would still need some accommodations(and that we wanted her to stay in the LD program). All was well until this year. We switched schools over the summer, and now she is failing some of her subjects. We have asked to have her evaluated again, but the school wants to wait until November 20th to do anything. I am at my wits end and have no idea who to talk to about this. The school also has refused mediation. She is failing now, and I guess the school wants her to fail before they do anything. We are in Wisconsin by the way. Any ideas would be appreciated.
BTW, she has long term memory problems. Fails tests left and right.
[Modified by: wischeez on October 21, 2010 09:51 PM]
[Modified by: wischeez on October 22, 2010 07:47 AM]

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