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Diving into Mainstreaming. Need help

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on


I am the mother of a 13 year old with cp and have taken numerous advocacy courses. This “Diving into Mainstreaming” is for a close friend of mine who has a son with cp that is 8 years old and she wants him to be mainstreamed full time with pull out resources. I’ve never delt with advocating for anyone of this degree. I will give you a bit of info on him. He scores “well below average” in every area, he is quite involved physically - both gross and fine motor and requires assistance in all areas of self help skills, he is very talkative and has been labeled as an auditory and rote learner. He has been in a self contained classroom throughout all of his school years (started in a jumpstart program at 3 yrs of age)

I agree with the mother that he needs the appropriate peer interaction and modeling that he is not getting in the self contained classes. If anything he is learning more “inappropriate behavior”. We both agree he is not going to be a rocket scientist by no means but feel he deserves the opportunity to be involved and exposed to as much of a “typical setting and education as possible”.

The school has been reluctant to even consider this as an option (and this is his “home school” in the district). I know they are constantly resorting to the “alternative portfolio” (which I understand effects their funding if scores are low) but we both feel putting him on the typical portfolio will help the teachers urgency and enthusiasm to educate this child to a greater degree. hehehe

My issue I am having is the debate there will be over his current levels of performance - which are 0. I know he does not have to be on grade level to be in the typical mainstreamed class but I can only imagine their apprehensions they are going to verbally put on the table.

Of course he is going to need a personal paraeducator to assist him in all areas - that will be battle #1. But I have been searching the internet for suggestions for computer applications for the auditory learner but can not find any. I think it would make an impact if we could request an interest in at least a couple of technology assistive devises/programs. (we have already agreed a tape recorder for assignments and reading will be a must)

Anyone have any suggestions?????

Help! The meeting is next Wednesday the 9th - and it’s theres going to be a BIG turn out I am sure. I’m expecting a table of no less than 9 or 10 in attendance.

PLease email me [email protected] :please make reference to posting in subject line:


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