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IEP for Jr. High

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

My daughter has NLD, was diagnosed two years ago and has been getting accommodations for two years in math, reading, and language. I have recently hired a children’s advocate because I see very little improvement and I feel the accommodations she is getting need to be revised and arrangements need to be made for the transition into Jr. High. There are so few children with NLD. I am supposed to be part of the team and every time I make a suggestion, the school says no. Example: my daughter takes a test and gets the answer wrong because it is in True/False answer form (which confuses her). I asked them to orally ask her the questions she gets wrong because she knows the answer orally. They say NO, Its not in her IEP. Last year end I got her state Meap test results saying: this child requires help in writing, which I agree with. She writes well, she just can’t put it in order. First, second, and third. The school ignored this because they feel they are giving her enough help now. She needs different things done than other kids do as this is a neurological problem and is different than most other disabilities. I am actually afraid to go in with the advocate for fear of what the school will do. It took me three years to get her any help at all because I didn’t know what this was and didn’t know where to take her for a diagnosis.
If this doesn’t work, my only other option is to homeschool. This is not fair.

Submitted by eoffg on Sun, 01/08/2012 - 9:22 AM


Jewels, with the True/False answer forms, I would imagine that the problem is that as she looks across from the question to the answer, that she gets lost as she looks across to the Answer column?
Where a simple thing that can help, is to place a ruler or piece of paper under each question as she does it.
So that it is much easy to find the True/False answer for that question.
This could help her whenever she has to deal with columns.

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