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LD and Gifted

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Hi, new here. My daughter is a junior in high school. She is extremely bright and may be at the top of her class. Why am I here? Because she struggles to have friends, she only has one. Originally she was diagnosed with Asperger’s but it was changed to non-verbal ld. It hasn’t caused her much difficulty in school until now. She is in AP English and her grades are dropping. She can’t figure out the tone of a passage and how characters in a book relate to each other. I asked the school for some sort of accommodation (I have documented testing) but they say unless she is failing they will not help her and that she is too academically advanced. They said that unless she is getting a d or f they will not help. This seems unfair. The poor kid is afraid to participate in the class about the books they read because her interpretations are so off that they laugh at her. Doesn’t she have rights?

Submitted by DMS on Tue, 04/29/2008 - 3:42 PM


I am sorry they laugh at her. Often very gifted kids see and interpret their environment much differently then others.

Have you talked with the teacher about allowing other views or interpretations? Not everyone expresses themselves the same way.

Especially in an AP English class, if your daughter can articulate and write her thoughts out in a clear and consice manner, there are not just ONE correct answers.

We should encourage “individual” thoughts.

Good Luck.


Submitted by neijah on Fri, 05/02/2008 - 1:38 AM


Gifted/LD or Twice Exceptional is my favourite topic. I have 2 of these very special children. One has successfully made it to the last year of high school. The other is quite a bit younger. It was not an easy road for the 1st one….. for a long time she was a major underachiever at school, and then was “cutting” etc. If I had kept her in one the schools she was in a few years ago, she probably wouldn’t be with us now! Technology saved her (well okay … a few other things too)…. she can type very well, and writes beautifully, although yes she has a very original way of writing. Last year she did a summer program in Europe and not only aced the courses, but had, as she says, for the first time in her life, teachers who loved her writing style, and encouraged her to continue writing in her highly original, creative style. For more info, you must start with Linda Silverman is wonderful and you will find fantastic links here.

Submitted by DMS on Fri, 05/02/2008 - 2:19 AM


Neijah and Anne,

Sometimes it does take getting a child out of one learning environment and in to another one… a different one for that child to really blossom.

This was true for my son. He recently turned 11 in April but has been attending Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois for the past three years. He started when he was 7 years old.

The first day of class he did not know what to expect and did not want to take his word processor with him (he has dysgraphia). We asked him how it went… he said “wow, that professor really talked fast”. The second time, he brought his word processor to type on. My son was nervous and he wanted us to talk with his professor about him using it so we did… At first, the professor was concerned because a lot of his 19 year old students had trouble taking notes on a laptop in his class. By the end of the second day the professor was amazed with our son.

When we asked him later, during that first class (Understanding the Universe and the Solar System), what he thought of attending Northwestern my son replied “mom, I love it here. The professors understand me and the other kids except me for who I am and want my input. I really feel like for the first time ever I am where I belong.”

He has been taking his laptop ever since. He has taken: micro-biology… math… code classes… writing… you name it he has taken it.

While his teachers at elementary school did not understand him and noted on his report cards that my son would not talk at school nor participate in class his professors had only wonderful things to say about him. SAME CHILD!

Last quarter was the first quarter my son took off from Northwestern. He has exhausted their classes for “kids” and will now be taking on-line classes for credit.

Winter of 2007 my son was offered an Assistant Teaching position at Northwestern for the coding class… he was only 10 years old!

Last weekend he attended a Microsoft Code Conference in a neighboring state. Everyone there was a working professional. My son was the only one younger than 24 years old. My son impressed them so much with his coding skills and computer knowledge they invited him back to work with 3 or 4 of the conference promoters this weekend.

I really believe that sometimes we have to very pragmatic about our kids. We have to meet them on their level… emotional, spiritual, physical and educational. Not just say: you are 11 years old and you should do this or that or not this or not that. Kind of like making LIFE as an IEP: Individual Enjoyment Plan for Living.

I am glad your daughter found success even if it was only for the summer.

Anne, this is what I meant earlier when I said not all kids see things the same way.

It is great that both of you support your kids and are good advocates for them!



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