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Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I have a question about Psychological Reports. My son is getting ready to graduate High School and the college he wants to go to needs a recent psych report for him to be eligible for his accommodations.The only pychological report he has was done when he bacame eligible for services at 7 years old. The psychologist at his High School says we have to get the report done outside. Are the schools required to do more than one evaluation. Can anyone help me with this question?
[Modified by: Agnes on February 05, 2009 08:17 AM]

Submitted by scifinut on Thu, 02/05/2009 - 1:47 PM


Yes, schools are required to do a re-eval every 3 years. If they have not done this, they have not been following the law.

Submitted by Agnes on Thu, 02/05/2009 - 3:03 PM


Thanks for your reply Scifinut, does that re-eval include a psychological evaluation?

Submitted by scifinut on Fri, 02/06/2009 - 2:03 PM


It would be the full testing, such as what they gave him when he was first tested under IDEA. That usually includes testing by the school psychologist.

Submitted by Rosco P. Coltrane on Mon, 02/09/2009 - 4:57 PM


Every school district is required to hold a 3 year reevaluation, but the reevaluation doesn’t always have to be a full psychological evaluation. For your child’s district, I’m guessing that academic testing was conducted every three years along with other district and teacher assessments. This information is entered into a reevaluation report, which can serve as the reevaluation. Since a full psychological hasn’t been conducted for your child since the age of seven-years-old, it would have been best practice for this to occur. A parent can request a full psychological, but it seems that the district has a policy against evaluating high school seniors for college. Instead of requesting the evaluation for college, I would give reasons that would be more applicable to your child’s current educational setting.

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