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Wording for an ADD 504 to help with planning and organizing

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Our daughter is in 6th grade, with a 504 for ADD. It already includes: sitting in the front of the class, extra time for tests and checking for understanding of instructions given. She gets A’s and B’s, but not without significant checking in on our part. It has fallen apart the last part of the year. We are finding out projects are due 1 to 2 days before-hand. We plan to meet with the 7th grade team in August, to discuss adding further accomadations to assist her with planning and organizing projects. Our goal is to help her self-monitor her planning and organizing, it will only get harder as she moves up. WHAT ADVICE DO YOU HAVE FOR LANGUAGE TO BE ADDED? Here are examples of what we are thinking. Example: Projects are to be e-mailed to parenta. Example: Teachers are to provide an outline and steps to assist student with pacing the project. ANY OTHER THOUGHTS? Thanks in advance.

Submitted by jnuttallphd on Tue, 06/05/2007 - 12:00 PM


Hello Amber:

If you can get the school to agree to the items you have outlined you are very fortunate. Starting especially in middle school teachers take the position that it is the students responsibility to keep track of assignments. They see this as a major step in teaching the student independence for high school. Here are some suggestions.
(1) get a digital recorder and at the end of each class period have the teacher dictate what the assignment is for the evening.
(2) with my daughter we indicated that all books and all papers must be brought home every night. This way we could review what was due for the next day.
(3) we also indicated to our daughter that if she did not bring home the assignments from school that we would go ahead and create assignments at home in order to keep up with the work.
Jim Nuttall — Michigan
Dictated with speech recognition software Dragon NaturallySpeaking 9.1.

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