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10 yr. old son is being tested for LD

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

My son is 10yrs old and struggling in math. He has had a high-school tutor come help him for an hour and a half four days a week, his work has improved but he still doesn’t “get it”. We already have an IED in place and we had a meeting with the school staff this morning regarding further testing for a learning disorder. The counselor that is setting all of this in motion is from a different district and new to this school(she has already found a lot of discrepencies in school policies and has a few enemies at her new school), I am very thankful that she putting all of this together for us, this is all new to me, but when I talk to her she is very quiet and rather secretive about what she’s taking on with our son. Should I take this as a problem that could rupture into a bigger problem? I only want what is best for our son, I’ve known something wasn’t right when he was in the second grade and he’s been on Adderall since, but there seems to be an underlying problem. I’m sure it’s got to be a LD of some kind. Any advice on how to help him? He doesn’t have behavioral problems and he’s quite popular at school he just can’t seem to remember what happened at school that day with his assignments, they seem to disappear somewhere between school and home-I pick him up from school so I know they don’t get lost on the bus.

Submitted by Mayleng on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 8:52 PM


Heidi, we have a few members from your neck of the woods at

who will be able to help you navigate this.

By the way, it sounds like ADHD/inattentive to me, and the meds might not be working, maybe a dose adjustment is needed.
[Modified by: Mayleng on January 23, 2008 03:53 PM]

Submitted by geodob on Thu, 01/24/2008 - 8:53 AM


Heidi, you might like to have a look at my forum for the maths disorder Dyscalculia.
As he may have a difficulty with something called: ‘Sense of Number’.
The association of numbers with quantities.

Submitted by KimP on Wed, 01/30/2008 - 1:30 AM


Hi Heidi,
Perhaps if you feel you are not getting all that you can from your school, you should try scheduling an appt with a neorologist, if not done already. From there you can get a neoro-physc evaluation. Take it outside the school and once you have the dx or dx’s you can go back to the school with something more concrete. My son is 10 and has been dx with Non-Verbal LD among some other LD’s. He has problems with language receptive and expressive as well as slow processing, weakness is math skills. He does have some inattentive issues as well. We tried Ritalin and Focalin and Adderall, nothing seemed to work, it seemed to have made him lathargic and out of it. The med, we felt, was not going to help him with his LD’s, we needed to find a way to teach him so that he can learn. We are fortunate enough to have a language-based class room of 12 children with a teacher and aide in our school district. This is his first year in the class and is doing so much better. I hope you get some answers and I feel your frustration. Just keep pushing along until you get what your son deserves.

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