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13 Yr Old LD Son Assaulted in School.

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Hi. My son was targeted and hurt by a group of kids, knocked unconscience and sent to the hospital in an ambualance with a concussion. The school and police are doing NOTHING to the kids that did it, I have tried. He has an IEP, and was hospitalized 5 months ago for depression and suicide. He does not want to return to school, and I don’t know where to turn. I live in Southern Wisconsin, and I am trying to locate some type of advocacy program. Any help is greatly appreciated. This has really torn me up

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 09/30/2001 - 6:47 PM


Dear Looking,

I am horrified and outraged over the assault of your beloved son. Why aren’t the police doing anything? I do not know of any advocacy groups but maybe your son’s counselor or the ER physician or an attorney can give advice. Have you told your story to the local newspaper? In light of all the school shootings as a direct result of student brutality, it is a newsworthy incident and perhaps it would help see justice done.

You and your son in my prayers. Blessings, momo

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 10/01/2001 - 1:07 AM


I would request homebound placement at this point. The school system is obligated to provide a teacher,and special education services. If your physician will write a prescription for homebound placement this would be all that is needed.

I agree I would go to the media and get coverage. The school is obligated under federal law to protect your child and keep him safe. I would write a letter to the school,cc’d to the superintendent putting them on notice. Also known as a “Gebser letter” ,that they are knowing allowing discrimination of a disabled student and you are demanding that they rectify the situation. You tell them that you expect a response within 7 business days or you will notify the office of civil rights and your state dept of education.

Wisconsin has school vouchers correct? Is it possible to place him in another school under this?

Feel free to e-mail me if you like,I am just another parent, been there done this,and have been able to help others with school issues,might be able to give you some advice?

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 10/01/2001 - 1:23 PM


Did YOU file charges against the youngsters that did this? You can, and should. You should also hold the school and the parents of the boys involved responsible for medical expenses associated with this incident.

If your son is now afraid to attend this school, ask for either a pupil placement at another school (door-to-door transportation provided by district), a contract services placement at a private school (again, funded completely by the district). Homebound services might well releive some of his anxiety, but you usually get only core subjects covered, and the teachers are available for only a couple of hours or so each week. You will have to arrange your schedule to have somepone home when services are delivered, because teachers are nnot allowed to be in the home without an adult in the family being present, in most cases.

Base your request(s) on your concern for his physical safety and his emotional well being (doctor support needed here). Send all requests in writing, certified, receipt requested.

Good luck

Kay Smith

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 10/02/2001 - 3:47 PM


That is just so sad. I know how you feel. We went through something like that last year and it was very tough on all of us.

There are several approaches you could take. One is to see lawyer and see about a lawsuit against the school, school district, and parents of the bullies involved for the damages suffered by your son and any injuries he suffered. It could be worth a lot of money. Maybe a personal injury lawyer could advise you.

I would also report it to the police and ask for charges to be brought. It sound like a pretty serious incident if he was taken to the hospital by ambulance.

You also need to ensure that your son is going to be in a safe environment at school in the future. Was this an isolated experience or was it indicative of him being bullied all the time? If he is always being bullied, you may need to get him moved to another school.

Your son must have some thoughts on what he wants to do. Since he is getting older you need to consider his feelings on the incident.

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