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15 Year old Daughter has dyslexia/dyscalculia

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

My daughter is 15 and has dyslexia/dyscalculia she is doing her GCSEs at the moment (we live in England by the way). Does anyone know what support she should be getting? All I know is that she is getting a reader in her science exam but is she entitled to a reader in all her exams? Can anyone from England help me please!??? help

Submitted by maryk on Wed, 11/29/2006 - 4:57 AM


You know, Janis… I think you should speak with whoever runs the school. But, be sure to speak with your child beforehand in order to see if anything might be getting left out.

Sure, if someone has both dyscalculia and dyslexia, then it would not be nice to disallow a reader for science. But, it is difficult to understand what your child would need in your country, because your country has a ton more to do with testing and all. We do not have A levels and all of that in the US at all.

I would wonder about a notetaker, the tape recording of lectures, a powerful calculator for math (and especially on all those tests), double time for tests and in class assignments, and also after school tutoring. But, I do not know if those things are a given in your country or what.

I am sorry for not knowing more of your country. But, please think of speaking with everyone. Those tests are really important and all. And, I wish you well.

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