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3yr old Son is not getting help for his LD

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I have been taking my son to different doctors since he was 1 yrs old for a speech/language disability. He is now 3 yrs old and is still not making complete sentences but has improved! He is now saying more then just single words and is actually putting 2-3 words together..but the communication is still not clicking. His newest Pedi. first said he did not see Autism as a problem specially since he has 3 patients with autism ranging from mild to severe. We took him back to his Doctor today and now he says he see’s Autism?! I have been trying to get help for 2 yrs now! and Noone has bothered to help. We have had him evaulated at our local school and the Pyschologist there did say he has a learning disability but did not see Autism as a problem but would run test for it anyways to have it documented. Well she has never called us back, was suppose to send us some forms..have never recieved those. And once again his doctor has said he will refer us to a specialist and we are waiting again..the nurse said we will hear from her on Monday or Tuesday..Im still waiting from the first time they were suppose to call us and send us a packet! Im just at a loss and have no clue what to do. I dont want to have to keep switching doctors all they want us to do is restrain him if he has a temper tantrum, make him wait to be fed if he doesnt eat that eventually he will get hungry enough (yes i actually had a doctor to tell me to not feed him!). I mean this has got to end some where. If someone knows an organization that I can take him to to have him reevaluated or to get some help with his LD..i would great appericate it!!!

Thank You,
Very concerned Mom

Submitted by jnuttallphd on Sun, 06/17/2007 - 7:35 PM


Hello Mom:

Since your son is three years of age your school district is required by law to provide a full evaluation. Contact your school district Office of Special Education and say you want to assign a referral/evaluation form. The signature on this forum is most important. This will start the process. You should indicate that as part of the evaluation you want your son evaluated by a teacher of speech and language. At the very least your son most likely should be getting speech services.

If your health insurance will pay for it have the doctor referred you to a developmental neuropsychologist/psychiatrist for an evaluation. They can give you more information if there are any autism tendencies or specific types of learning disabilities.

There are organizations that you can get some advice from. Look up your state’s (1) Association for Learning Disabilities and (2) Association for Autism.

Submitted by NY-mom on Wed, 08/29/2007 - 4:24 AM


I agree you should contact your School District Office to begin formal evaluations. My daughter is 10.7 years old and they have never actually giving me a specific diagnosis. I had to call my insurance company to get approval for a private evaluation. Unfortunatelly in NY, I found many psychologist refused to evaluate her because the insurance company will reimburse them too little. I had to call several universities to have a full psychological or neuropsychological evaluation. Usually their rates are in sliding scale based on your income. Once you have the results, take them back to your district and request services for your son. He could get speech at a center or even qualify for a pre-school program. They will pay in full and provide transportation. Act now don’t let him get older without getting help.

Submitted by NY-mom on Wed, 08/29/2007 - 4:26 AM


I agree you should contact your School District Office to begin formal evaluations. My daughter is 10.7 years old and they have never actually giving me a specific diagnosis. I had to call my insurance company to get approval for a private evaluation. Unfortunatelly in NY, I found many psychologist refused to evaluate her because the insurance company will reimburse them too little. I had to call several universities to have a full psychological or neuropsychological evaluation. Usually their rates are in sliding scale based on your income. Once you have the results, take them back to your district and request services for your son. He could get speech at a center or even qualify for a pre-school program. They will pay in full and provide transportation. Act now don’t let him get older without getting help.

Submitted by NY-mom on Wed, 08/29/2007 - 4:26 AM


I agree you should contact your School District Office to begin formal evaluations. My daughter is 10.7 years old and they have never actually giving me a specific diagnosis. I had to call my insurance company to get approval for a private evaluation. Unfortunatelly in NY, I found many psychologist refused to evaluate her because the insurance company will reimburse them too little. I had to call several universities to have a full psychological or neuropsychological evaluation. Usually their rates are in sliding scale based on your income. Once you have the results, take them back to your district and request services for your son. He could get speech at a center or even qualify for a pre-school program. They will pay in full and provide transportation. Act now don’t let him get older without getting help.

Submitted by scifinut on Wed, 08/29/2007 - 1:53 PM


If you live near a University, you can check to see if they have an Autism Research Clinic. This could give you a much more thorough evaluation than what the school would do.

As for the school, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Call, write and keep bugging them until they do what they need to do. Make all testing requests in writing. Document all calls. Be willing to pick up paperwork at the school or district offices. Child Find requires that they test any child from the age of 3 to 21 with a suspected disability.

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