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4 year old said to have dyslexia

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

my niece is 4 years old, attends a regular school was just recently diagnosed by his pediatrician to have dyslexia..he writes his names backwards. the pediatrician advices us to transfer the child to an institution that specializes on dyslexia. Found this site while i was browsing the net. Hope you guys can help us find any so that utmost care can be given to our angel

Submitted by geodob on Fri, 01/25/2008 - 7:44 AM


Hi Dookie,
This is actually very common amongst 4 year olds, where they just need to be reminded which way to write it.

Submitted by scifinut on Fri, 01/25/2008 - 3:42 PM


I’ve just been assessing Kindergarden kids (5 - 6 years old) for the last week and I can tell you it is very common for letter/number reversals to happen. It takes time to develop the left/right skills of writing. Your niece is still young enough that this should not be a major concern until she has had more practice.

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