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4th grade Social Studies...but 2.7 GE comprhension ?

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I think the title pretty well sums up my problem.
My daughter also has IBS on top of the LD… :roll: :(
So today was a SS test. Her tests are Modified for her.
Last night at bed time the “belly aches” started.
She was on and off the commode till 1:30am.
Then she finally fell asleep.
This morning she woke up throwing up since the IBS is a mixture of Constipation and Diarehha, she had belly pains but the constipation was kicking in so instead of comming out the “right end” it came up at the “wrong”end.
This happened last year.
Basically, I think since her comprehension is low…she is getting “stressed out” again.
The study sheets sent home for the testing are sooooo overwhelming for her and she just “shuts down” even if I bring up studying for the tests?
Could SS be getting to hard too? (The Language end of it)
What should I do? or What can I do?

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 10/28/2003 - 12:01 AM


To me, the nature of social studies in elementary school has been changing. While there can still be projects - usually very time consuming and complicated ones - there are many tests the possible answers to which much be memorized.

Young children - particularly any with reading issues or attentional issues- find memorizing quite difficult and even sometimes impossible. Social Studies is a subject that can offer rich exploration into other cultures and other time periods and be so exciting and revealing but sadly these days it too often is “study sheets” (read as “many facts to be memorized” and tests.

Consider carefully the word ‘study’. When teachers say study, they usually mean memorize or commit to memory and these days they then hand out study sheets replete with dates, terms and definitions. How does a young child memorize all that information and usually only over a period of days?

Submitted by BINKY on Tue, 10/28/2003 - 2:58 AM


Our daughter has Receptive and Expressive Language Disorder/(school dx) Verbal Language Processing Deficit.
Sequencing,Retention…and Large amounts of reading..Just blows her mind,…overwhelms her. As she is currently 10yrs 4th grade…but is pulled out for Spell, Math and now reading. (Itinerant Learning Support is being “pushed” in our district…but it doesn’t fit with our daughters “Level of achievement” when 4th grade grade academics were being “forced” on her”…Mind you„,This is new to the District and the “bugs” are being worked out…..New?..Isn’t Itinerant just another name for inclusion?..YES….my daughters principle said. I was warned by Psychologist and Developemental Specialist„,the demand on Language is increasing..she is struggling and “stressor” behaviors are starting at home..but yet I gotta be SOOOO careful she doesn’t “play me” to stay home as any “normal” child would attempt to do. This morning though..was no fake act….BELIEVE ME!!! LOL
I’m thinking about calling a Meeting to address this issue with SS. I mean…Friday when I was in the class room they did the Dibels, CBA’s on her…the LS teacher showed me her results…she read close to the level she was to be at…but the comprehnsion was at a mid 2nd grade level. Basically she is going “through the motions..but not comprehending”..the words just go over her head…Do you know what I mean?
So if the Dibels shows this… is she comprehending SS work and reading?..I have questions…I need to ask them and keep my “temper” in check..LOL…I’m working on this…LOL

Submitted by marycas on Tue, 10/28/2003 - 3:15 AM


The teachers told me that since they werent expected to read the text flat out it wasnt an issue. The material was taught with lecture and small group activities

Yeah, but the tests and study sheets still need to be read and comprehended. I remember all the government stuff in 3rd grade. My son also has speech delays-he couldnt even SAY legislature, much less spell it or read it-how could he define it at that point?

I would ask for word banks on tests at the very least. Would having the tests read to her help at all? Or would too many words still go over her head?

I sympathize-this exact thing drove me crazy the last 2 years. And we are homeschooling this year :)

He enjoys social studies immensely now and is beginning to enjoy science, but his knowledge base is non-existant. Not surprisingly, nothing stuck!

Submitted by BINKY on Tue, 10/28/2003 - 4:15 AM


EXACTLY Marcy…I wonder if anything is “sticking”…..GREAT WAY OF PUTTING IT!!!!!!!!!
She can read..but like I said “COMPREHENSION”? is the 100 dollar question.
One of the accom. are having the test questions read to her.
But I’m concerned with the Stress triggered IBS…RED FLAG!!!
I gotta start asking questions..AGAIN!!! ERRRR
Take Care,

Submitted by llp479 on Wed, 10/29/2003 - 4:46 PM


I can relate to your issues. I have IBS - not fun! Do you have any meds for her to take?

My 4th grade dd has dysgraphia and a recall issue so she is supposed to take multiple choice type tests. What is her SS test this past week - HAND WRITE DEFFINITIONS??????????? I was livid! Not only is the handwritting a huge issue, but she can’t recall quickly the definitions. We studied at home by me reading the definition, and her supplying the word. She did great. I haven’t seen the grade on the test yet, so maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised, but I doubt it.

My daughter comprehends what she reads, but can’t always express it. If she reads something then you ask what it was about, you get the lovely blank wall look, and the angry, frustrated behavior. But, if you ask specific questions about what she read, she can give you all the answers.

We’ve got a meeting next week to go over her VERY specific IEP with the teacher, SW, etc. It took me until last May to get the IEP and I thought my troubles were over - HAH!

Good luck to you and your daughter.

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