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6 y.o. behavior

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

My son, age 6, first grade is having a difficult adjustment to school. He has apraxia of speech and fine motor weakness- so goes to speech therapy and OT at school. Will soon be getting reading assistance as he is behind. He has been giving me a hard time about going to school, resists it. I am in touch w/ his teacher and help out every thursday. Today she told me he is ‘bugging’ some other kids to get their attention. He is shy and I think does not have good social skills to make friends. I have talked to him about it. I’ve also asked the teacher for some names of boys who may make good playmates, and will invite them over. My daughter aged 10 had LD, so my son has seen her struggles. She gets much help at home, private tutoring in summer and tries hard so is doing pretty well. I tell them both if they try their best, they are winners. Grades are not important in this house. I am getting discouraged however at the thought of another child w/ LD. Please any advice is appreciated.


Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 10/02/2001 - 3:58 AM


My older son is LD and for the first few years after my second son’s birth, it seemed as though he was not going to be LD. But we were wrong and I had the same feelings then as you’re having now. I can’t do this twice.

But the second time around, you have the experience of the first. It’s not as confusing. You’ve done some of the hard work and you can draw on that experience as clearly you’re already doing.

And no two LD kids are the same. Your son is very young and a lot can change.

Good luck.

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