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Audiology Testing

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on


My daughter had some audiology testing done earlier this week, and she tested normal on some, just below normal on a couple others, but really bombed on the one where they play a tape which directs one word into the right ear, and another word into the left, and she had to repeat both words back (preferably in the designated order). Several times, she “lost” both words completely, and was stumped. They said she tested in like the 1st percentile on that one! :? Physically, her ears looked fine, and her actual hearing was said to be normal - it’s an issue w/ the processing somewhere.

I was just wondering if anyone posting on here might have some experience w/ this, and be able to tell me a little more about what these results might indicate.

They are doing a follow-up in a few more weeks to assess brain stem activity (I think) in response to sounds. They said she would just lay passively, and be encouraged to relax and/or fall asleep during the test. They’re also recommending she see a neurologist, but suggested we wait until the additional results are back in before going ahead w/ that.

Any information, thoughts, comments, or feedback are appreciated! Thanks.

~~~ Lei

Submitted by Leizanne on Fri, 06/04/2004 - 9:59 PM


OK, I’ve sunk to a new low, replying to my own post before anyone else has done so! :roll: :wink:

I am wondering (and Patti might know this - ?) if the results I spoke about in the previous post could again point toward ADD-Inattentive. Being an SLP, I thought she might have worked w/ some kids who’d had similar testing done & w/ potentially similar results (?).

Also, I thought I’d once read somewhere that doing poorly on that particular test might indicate that the right & left hemispheres of the brain were not working together properly. However, I can’t now find where I read this, so am not sure if that was correct. If it is the case, what can be done about it? And what other types of things would she be likely to have trouble w/ if this was the case?

Again, thanks for any thoughts you may have! (Patti - hope your SUV’s boo-boo has been fixed since the “spider incident”!)

~~~ Leizanne

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 06/08/2004 - 12:22 AM


This test could be skewed by her ADD. I for one have a devil of a time with that and so does my daughter..we have both CAPD and ADD. Well yeah if she has a true auditory processing deficit this could be an issue…What this test is testing for is if she has right ear dominance and how she puts together what she hears presented in two different ears.. I believe…I will ask some Audiologists I work with this weekend… By the way both my daughter and I have had the Brain Stem tests…It is a no brainer… :D

And our SUV is still in the shop…I will have to turn the rental car in for good on Thursday…hopefully it will be done by then… :oops:

Submitted by Leizanne on Tue, 06/08/2004 - 3:14 AM


Hi, Patti -

Thanks for your response! I’ve been hoping I might hear back from you on this. Sorry to hear about your continued car woes, however!

As for “right ear dominance”, the audiologist pointed out right away that all of the results from her left ear were lower. What does this mean, exactly?? At the time, I didn’t realize it might have some particular significance.

Another thing they mentioned was that she showed a poorer “reflex” in one ear. The verbal pre-report that I got was to the effect that they have only seen one person w/ a poor reflex like that who turned out not to have an APD. It’s all very intriguing to me, but I honestly don’t know what alot of it means! Hopefully, I’ll learn as we go along!

The main goal in unraveling all this is that we can eventually figure out what’s causing her trouble & find ways to combat any weaknesses!

~~~ Leizanne

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