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Does anyone have experience with Clonidine for ADHD?

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

My 12 year old daughter was recently diagnosed with ADHD in addition to anxiety. We tried Concerta, which did nothing - then Adderall…which was great for school but made her a mess at home with constant screaming and meltdowns. We’ve taken her off of these and they are now trying Clonidine along with anxiety medication. We are on day 4 and she is so sleepy and dizzy - the first two days she fell asleep in school and I had to pick her up. Yesterday she fell asleep on the floor while a friend was over! Has anyone had success with this medication and if so, how long did it take before these side effects go away? I’m supposed to give it to her morning and afternoon, but I haven’t even given her the 2nd doses yet because just one dose turns her into a zombie.

Submitted by mom25 on Sun, 06/23/2013 - 4:00 AM


Its a sleeping pill she should be taking that at night. My son I currently on it now and is asleep with in an hour of taking it. You should consider a mood stabilizer in the day time to help with the ADHD.

Submitted by Smoore on Wed, 07/24/2013 - 12:48 AM


My son took it at a young age to sleep. It is actually a blood pressure medication they started using to calm children down or help them sleep. My grandson takes it for ADHD now but he takes it at night to make him sleep as well. He is on Concerta during the day to keep him focused at school. The Concerta kept him up at night and so they added the Clonidine at night. Everyone I had talked to said it is suppose to be taken at night.

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