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Looking for answers

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Hi, I am new to this board. I was recently diagnosed with LD and ADD. Personally I see my greatest difficulties as attention, processing speed, sequencing, auditory processing, fine motor coordination, there are also some perceptual problems. Now I have a lot of questions. I have yet to take medication or any specail training. I have inquired about these issues through the channels at my university and I have found myself less than satisfied with the results. I have the option of starting on methylpenidate(not sure if that is right) when fall classes start but I am still curious about other possibilities. I am interested in IM and am curious about the other programs that have been mentioned on this board audioblox, neuronet, Fastforward or anything else that might be helpful. Also I just sent for something called EyeQ which is some kind of speed reading course on CD. I am not sure if it will work but I have 30 days to return it, so I figure it is worth a try. I am determined to make improvements and I believe that I can. I am particulary interested in IM since it seems to adress a number of problems that I have. Also I have no sense of timing over long periods of time or just keeping a simple beat. Any advice would be much appreciated.


Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 07/01/2002 - 1:42 PM


Interactive Metronome really will improve anyone’s timing. The Miami Dolphins are undergoing IM training as have many golfers.

It also has been shown to improve attention.
It is a place to start and may not solve all of your issues but might help. I have heard of some people who have been diagonsed ADD by a medical physician getting it covered by insurance as a treatment for that issue.
There is scientific evidence to support it’s use for ADD.

Also read A Mind at a Time by Mel Levine. It is an excellent reference for helping people to use their strengths to overcome their weaknesses. He gives some practical tips for overcoming difficulties. I think his book is especially helpful to the older person with LD.
He also discusses the need to pursue a career in the area of your strengths.

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 07/01/2002 - 8:21 PM


Some people with attention issues find that they can improve their concentration by eliminating specific substances from their diets. It seems to help some, others say it is a waste of time. You will have to decide for yourself if you wish to do this (a real pain) or if you try if it is helpful. See for more details.

Stimulant medications also seem to help many with attention issues.Others find it just makes them spacy or addressive or restless. You will have to decide for yourself whether it works or not. Try to make as informed an opinion as possible. Studies have proven that stimulants improve attention, however they also show they improve on nearly anyone’s atention span. They do carry some degree of medical risks, including cardiovascular damage over prolonged usage, and physically changing the neuro-net structure similar to other substances in their classification.

The programs you have mentioned all have decent reports, although again some people don’t seem to respond quickly or with progress. Hopefully you will find one that works quickly or else eliminate possibilities without having to spend thousands of dollars (and they do get expensive quick!)

Good luck to you, and please remember to relate your experiences both positive and any that are a waste of time.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 07/02/2002 - 7:00 PM


Yeah, I saw that about the Dolphins on the IM website. It will be interesting to see what kind of results they get although I am not really a Dolphins fan. I have heard of that book a Mind at a Time, I’ll have to check that one out. Thanks for the advice Linda.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 07/02/2002 - 7:15 PM


Thanks for the advice Dad, I know I can always count on you. Ok that probably wasn’t actually funny. Anyway, I guess as far as the Feingold diet goes I don’t think I am reading for that right now. I am just starting to make my own food for the first time and it is enough of a challenge. I previously was living in the dorms and didn’t have to worry about food besides the fact that it was always horrible. I am going to have to look into the medication further. I am not sure if I should use it or not. I have a pretty high level of function and just being able to pinpoint my weaknesses has already been a big help. At the same time I do suffer from significant impairment and I am wondering how things will work out when I get out of school or when I get to higher level classes. The workplace is a big concern for me. I have been working at McDonald’s for a year now. Not a good idea for someone who has processing speed problems to work in fast food. I really need to find a new job and beyond that I need to find a career that I can be sucessful in. I am going to be in the college of journalism and mass media this next coming semester and hopefully that will work out. Thanks Dad, LOL.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 07/03/2002 - 4:28 AM


I to am takking that drug and it works for me. What I had to do was see it work for my self and ask my friends if they can see a difrents in me and most of them said they did. The first thing i saw was I did not eat as much and could not sleep as well. After a month of it then I started to feel better. I found that if I look at people when I talk to them it helps me remember what they said to me. Writting stuff down help me to. In my case I like to drink beer and get to the point of almost drunk and then go to sleep, once I started to take this I wasn’t drinking as much. Some of your most famous people in the would have this and live with it.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 07/03/2002 - 8:06 PM


Hey hjerel,
glad to see ya made it here. I worked at McD’s way back when they still used IBM cards, it was a real hard place for an attention/memory challenged person to work, drive thru was a nightmare for me. I did ok but did better when I worked at a pizza place, not so fast paced. Looks like folks are stepping up to the plate trying to help, I hope you find what you are looking for here. Look in the older messages for info on the IM if you haven’t already. By the way, DAD is a great resource here. As are lots of the other folks, I’ve gotten lots of help here. Best wishes.

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