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new - have questions about how

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

you got testing for your childs ld….
Quick story my adhd 7y/o on strattera, showed an auditory processing iisue during his adhd evaluations. He is very bright and exceeded his age group in math and reading but listening was very low (about 4 y/o range).
He does not respond when spoken to especially when engaged in task. He did poorly on a standardized test in 1st that was given orally. We have delayed a little on this issue because we have been trying to stabilize environment and meds before begining on the next project. He goes to a small private school that does not offer the testing, he has a recommend to a dr who is expensive and does not bill insurance. So I was wondering if someone else has dealt with this particular problem and has suggestions about how to find someone to do the screening.

Submitted by Beth from FL on Thu, 09/08/2005 - 12:53 PM


First, you can get testing through the public schools by requesting testing in writing, even if your child does not attend them. Second, I wouldn’t bother for auditory processing issues. Third, you really need an audiologist not a doctor to test for auditory processing. You also need someone skilled with children. I got my son tested through the university where I work so calling a university with an audiology department would be one option. I actually got his name from a website (which I can no longer recall) and called several people all of whom were associated with universities in this area.

My insurance did not cover such testing but many do.


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