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not eligible anymore for services?

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

My 8 year old son has been receiving services for 3 years now. He has recently been retested and they say he no longer will get the services. Please tell me what you think of his scores. He is in third grade now and these are his standard scores– Basic reading 112, Math reaoning 113, spelling 104, reading comp. 132, Numerical operations 113, writting expression 97. Composites-reading 120, Math 114, writing 99. Verbal iq 112, full scale iq 115, perform. iq 116. His scores went up alot from first grade. Then he hadreading skills 60, reding comp 40, math skills 90, math reas. 80, oral expression 90, writtin skills 70. Is it possible to over come the ld and now not need the services. Or should he be retested every couple of years? Thank-you very much

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 03/29/2001 - 12:23 AM


The scores look to be right in line with ability to me, at this point. I would not have him automatically retested, I would do so if grades drop, teacher expresses concern, etc.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 03/29/2001 - 3:04 AM


It sounds like that an early intervention plan worked for him. My nephew is currently in an Early Intervention Program, and I hope they are as successful with him as they are with your child. It may be that he never had a learning disability, perhaps he just matured a little more slowly than other kids. This is not entirely uncommon.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 03/29/2001 - 5:08 AM


Yes I agree with the others that those scores do look good now. You should ask yourself tho, are the scores up now because he RECEIVED services, or are they up because he is RECEIVING services? For example, are his scores up because he received extra help, or are they up because he is allowed accommodations which he may still need, like oral test taking or such? If he is now performing at grade level without extra help or accommodations, then he probably no longer needs the extra services, altho you should keep an eye on him to make sure he does not fall behind again. But if he needs an ongoing service or accommodation to keep his scores up, then you should keep that service or accommodation.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 03/29/2001 - 11:51 AM


He is not receiving any accomadations during tests. He takes them just like the other kids with no help( orally, etc.) He nows goes with his support teacher maybe 2 a week and she reviews his multiplication and anything the teacher thinks he can use some extra help with. Spelling and writing sentences are hard for him. He gets real frustrated. He hates homework but so does my other boy who does well in school. I’m hoping it was maturity like you said but that seems to good to be. Socially he is still shy but getting better. Thank-you for all of your help!Alice wrote:
> My 8 year old son has been receiving services for 3 years
> now. He has recently been retested and they say he no longer
> will get the services. Please tell me what you think of his
> scores. He is in third grade now and these are his standard
> scores– Basic reading 112, Math reaoning 113, spelling
> 104, reading comp. 132, Numerical operations 113, writting
> expression 97. Composites-reading 120, Math 114,
> writing 99. Verbal iq 112, full scale iq 115,
> perform. iq 116. His scores went up alot from first
> grade. Then he hadreading skills 60, reding comp 40, math
> skills 90, math reas. 80, oral expression 90, writtin skills
> 70. Is it possible to over come the ld and now not
> need the services. Or should he be retested every couple of
> years? Thank-you very much

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 03/29/2001 - 7:49 PM


Just a thought, You may want to ask a about a 504plan or some way to follow him for the next year or so to be sure he continues to do well. We had our daughter removed last year from an ed plan for the same reason and today I am going for an assessment meeting to have her re-evaluated because she is doing poorly. This process would have been much quicker had she not been complete removed from special Ed. and it has been hard watching her fail this year. Some sort of follow up plan would have helped I think.
Also there is a great article in the indepth section under assessmentscalled “Understanding Tests and Measurements for the Parent and Advocate” It’s long but informative.
Good Luck,

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