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Student needs to interview the parent of a child

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I am currently working on my certification to be a teacher of students with learning disabilities, and I need to interview a parent of a student with a learning disability. I thought it would best to do this assignment anonymously in order to receive honest answers and reactions. The questions are posted below. If any parent, or a few parents would be able to take a few minutes to answer them, I would be very grateful. Thank you in advance for your time. If you would rather email me the answers rather then post them, just click the “email me” button at the bottom of this post and copy and paste the questions.

1. What is your child’s classification?

2. What is your relation the to the child?

3. At what age was the child when the classification was made?

4. How old is the child now?

5. Were there any early childhood traits that indicated the need for classification?

6. Does family history indicate anyone with the same classification as your child?

7. How was it brought to your attention that your child may needed/may need to be classified?

8. Do you feel that the matter was handled sensitively by those involved?

9. What types of programs/classes is your child enrolled in at their school?

10. Are you satisfied with the available programs at this school?

11. Are there any services that are not available at their school due to a lack of money?

12. How did the classification of your child affect you and your family?

13. Do you feel that your child has endured positive changes since being classified?

14. Do you think that the educational assistance being provided to your child is effective?

15. If you could, what would you change about the educational assistance that is being provided?

16. Do you feel your child may outgrow the current behaviors as they enter adulthood?

17. What is the most important piece of advice that you would pass on to other parents and family members of a newly or soon to be classified child?

18. Looking back, would you have done anything differently in relation to the child’s classification and schooling? (i.e.: a different school? different IEP provisions)

19. Has the child been socially affected by their classification?
[Modified by: ldstudent on November 08, 2010 03:56 PM]
[Modified by: ldstudent on November 09, 2010 08:11 PM]
[Modified by: ldstudent on November 12, 2010 08:56 PM]

Submitted by ldstudent on Sat, 11/13/2010 - 1:53 AM


I only need one response, but I haven’t gotten any yet. :( However, if more than one person would like to answer, I think it would help me to get more of a sense of how parents feel about the education their children receive.

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