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too good to be true?

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

For those wonderful posters following me the past few days, here’s an update.

Today the SPED teacher called to talk about our program for this year. We finally go back to school on Monday.

I just can’t believe the turn around. Something happened and I don’t know if I’ll ever get a reason why.

The school seems to have had this great epiphany over the summer.

My son will be in a self contained for language arts only with two other boys who have similiar difficulties (funny how there was no one else who could benefit from our idea for this at the last IEP). Her plan “sounds” good in theory.

Hold on to your hats, but she actually used the word “dyslexia” with me (7 times to be exact)!!!!!! This from people who have fought me on this for three years that they do not like the term because it does not describe an “actual” disability.

She actually told me that “this set up may prove to be the most beneficial and most least restrictive environment for my son.”

For some reason, all of my words are being repeated back to me, yet they fought me tooth and nail on these points 6 months ago.

I debated them on the Stanfords (these scores are the only objective measures I have) that my son is swimming with the sharks in his classroom because locally he is in the 1st through 10th percentile. Previously, they told me they aren’t too concerned with local scores nor are they too concerned overall with Stanford scores. And, I should not be too concerned neither. He is in the low average to average range nationally.

Guess what was repeated back to me today?

So, the past week has been a complete 180 degree turn around and I really don’t understand what happened. I really wish I knew.

For now I’m going to sit back and take a deep breath.

If it was my influence over their change of heart, I owe it to ALL OF YOU!! Everything I have learned, I learned from you and am forever grateful that WE may have actually made a difference for my son. I thank you all again.

Please hope with me that this is all good and not false hope.
But tonight I sleep well, knowing that we might be headed in the right direction for the first time.

From this point we’ll go day by day, right??

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 09/07/2002 - 1:29 AM


Yup:-) Day by Day. Please do not forget one thing. YOU. Without YOU your son wouldn’t be getting any help. Sleep well my friend,you deserve a break.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 09/07/2002 - 12:03 PM


This is wonderful, but what programs are they using to teach your son to read, write and spell? The atmosphere is better but what are they doing to help his remediate his areas of concern? Without remediation, he won’t get very far.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 09/07/2002 - 12:21 PM


Lulu, it sounds like they either have taken some classes on the law and what they have to provide :-) and they also realize that you know your stuff and that you are not going away. It amazes me how fast they change when you tell them you are going to research the law, etc., b/c then they realize they have a parent who knows the system.

Socks is right, MOM is the reason when most SLD students succeed. If you had not been in the trenches fighting and learning, you wouldn’t be this far along.

I also agree with Shay, make sure they are using the RIGHT programs for your son b/c all the 1:1 in the world won’t work if it’s the wrong program. My friend has a dyslexic son who went to a tutor 1:1 for about 7 years (supposedly a SLD tutor). He was retested and lost 30 pts. in IQ over the 7 year period.

Good luck and be vigilant!

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 09/07/2002 - 5:46 PM


Keep up the good fight, there will be another battle, remember to stare the bullies in the eye, and for Heaven’s sake listen to Shay and get a good program with a real teacher.

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