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Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Hey all,
I’m new here so a little bit of background information on me: I’m a Sr. in highschool and I’m going to be a freshman at a public Univ next year. I’m a recruited student athlete and I have NVLD and ADD. I’ve always had trouble turning in my homework and papers ontime… and it’s not because I don’t do them. No one ever believes that but it’s true, I just lose them, forget them or forget to turn them in.
I’ve heard that if you don’t turn in something ontime in college you won’t get another chance. If so, I’m in trouble. I’ve always done well in school by doing well on tests, in class work and participation. I never study for tests (I do my work) and always do well but I know that won’t be the case next year. I’m worried that if I don’t ace exams and am late with a paper I won’t be able to pass my classes.

If anyone has experiance with this and can give me some advice, that would be much appriciated.

Submitted by geodob on Mon, 01/29/2007 - 6:13 AM


Hi Sarah,
Good to see that you are thinking ahead, where you’ve got a year to get prepared.
Many people have the same difficulties of organization and prioritising.
The key is recognising your difficulties and developing your own strategies, that work for you.
Where you will probably need to develop a range of strategies to suit different types of situations.
But perhaps the hardest part, once you develop some strategies, is ‘remembering to apply them’?
Which really needs to become a habit.
A crucial part involves developing and working with Time-Lines. Which you need to be able carry with you, so that you can refer to them. Otherwise, it will be ‘out of sight - out of mind’.
A lot of people use ‘lists written on paper’, but they tend to get lost.
Their are quite a few free or cheap software programs that you can get, that are really helpful for this. Where you layout tasks ahead of you, and plan an approach to work through them all.
Where you have this time-line layed out as a reference. Which can also give a ‘beep’ to remind you of things.
Though an important addition, is to have a ‘hand held pocket computer’, that can plug into your computer. So that you can always have your Time-line with you. Though you can also use it for note-taking at lectures as well. As they run programs like Word and Excel, etc.
So you have a year to work out strategies that suit you. Which will be just as useful after Uni, in the Work-place.
You could even end up being more organised than most people?

Submitted by Joe Tag on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 8:55 PM


Do you want me to send you a Syllabus from a First Year class? Let me know. /signed/ Joe Tag .
[quote=gorow9]Hey all….
I’ve always had trouble turning in my homework and papers ontime… and it’s not because I don’t do them. No one ever believes that but it’s true, I just lose them, forget them or forget to turn them in.
I’ve heard that if you don’t turn in something ontime in college you won’t get another chance. If so, I’m in trouble. I’ve always done well in school by doing well on tests, in class work and participation. I never study for tests (I do my work) and always do well but I know that won’t be the case next year. I’m worried that if I don’t ace exams and am late with a paper I won’t be able to pass my classes.

If anyone has experiance with this and can give me some advice, that would be much appriciated.
thanks! [/quote]

Submitted by Goodysbaby on Fri, 02/09/2007 - 3:52 PM


Find out if the college/University has Academic Support Center or Learning Support Specialists. They can set up weekly meetings to help you coordinate your classes and try to help with time management(turning things in). Use your planner, visuals are a huge help in these matters. Talk to the specialist about accomodations focused on time managment. Have fun at school.


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