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at a dead end

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I need help. I am 24 years old and I am having trouble in college, I need four sciences classes and I can’t seem to pass them. I have trouble with my exam’s and understanding what all I read. I have just started looking in to dyslexia and most of the signs I have. I am just not sure where to go to get tested or where to go from here. If anyone can help please let me know.

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 05/18/2001 - 3:50 PM


It would help to know more. Is science the only area you have trouble in? If you have any kind of dyslexia, it should be a problem in other classes as well.

Is there a school psychologist or a counseling service at your college? Most have them. Try talking to someone in the counseling service and go from there.

Good luck.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 06/03/2001 - 3:10 PM


Hi Sara, I have some ideas for you. Students who are identified in the public school system as LD are required to have evaluations every three years (in my state anyway) and that might be a good place to start. You must have that evaluation in order to get accomodation from your college. You might want to call your community’s Educational Services District and inquire into an evaluation that will determine what your weaknesses are.

Once the evaluation is done and you have a formal document, there should be (and you should make an appointment to see) an official ADA director on campus, who’s job it is to accomodate students in the classroom. Their budgets include allowing material readers and note-takers, extra time on tests, tests given in an outside-the-classroom setting and there should be tutoring labs where you can make contact for special help in the area in which you’re struggling. What they won’t do, unfortunately, is provide (pay for) a private tutor.

You’re at that point where you have to become your own advocate. Talking to a counselor at your college, or your advisor should provide help and resource information. If there is a Student Support Services program on campus make contact there too. SSS is federally funded by the Department of Education to specifically help students in your position to have a successful post-secondary educational experience. Good luck.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 06/16/2001 - 6:54 PM


My husband and I are special education teachers in Ga. We have found a great source you should check into.

This web sight describes what the dyslexia testing service does. This testing service costs $98.00 here in the U.S. This web sight has testing for children as well as for adults. You will need a close friend or family member for part of the test in order to ask a series of questions.
There are two sections: 1- a questionnarre to build a personal profile 2- tests reading ability, free writing, sequencing, laterality and numbers.
You will recieve a full diagnostic report and recommendations of further action you may take.
Hope we have helped you!

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 06/17/2001 - 6:57 PM


Hi ,
May I suggest that you go to the schools disability service center and tell them that you suspect that you have a learning disability. They can test you for it and once you have been diagnosed will provide assistence with your science classes. You can get text books on tape , note takers, tutors etc once you are found to have a learning disability and apply for disabled student services. So go to the disabled student services department of the school you are attending and see if you indeed havea learning disability and what they can do for you.
Tascha Dresser

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