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LD Scholarships

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Is there a guide I can get for college scholarships designed for LD students?

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 11/12/2001 - 7:48 PM


Hello Tina, I wish I could give you an answer to this question about LD scholarships but I am looking for the same answer. I was hoping that if you did get any information about this subject that you could email it to me. I have a son that is a senior in high school this year. He has dislexia and I am wandering if there are any programs out there. Thanks so much for your reply, Karin Brock

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 11/14/2001 - 11:43 AM


Hi! I am fairly new to the Special Education field and I teach in Michigan. Perhaps other states have different views, but I was under the impression that when your child graduates, that is the end of accommodations and modifications. Some of my students have continued on with college and they had to self-advocate to get tutoring…even at MCTI in Plainwell (MI) where their cost is zero to attend. I will continue to check this out though and get back to you.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 02/21/2002 - 1:15 PM


I am the mother of a LD senior and have been searching web for any information I can find addressing financial assistance for the learning disabled. I will forward anything that I find and hope that you will do the same. Good Luck!

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 03/16/2002 - 5:07 PM



I hate to repeat what is already been said, but can you emailme info about college scholarships for LD kids if you find any. My email is [email protected]. Many thanks.


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