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I am doing great in all my other classes except math a prealgerbra non credit cource taking for the 2nd time at community college I attend. I had to take remedial writing and have taken since then English Comp: Writing Process, am in the process of taking a writing a research class got a C on first paper when others had to rewrite to get at least a C! Reading took three semesters of reading cources specifically for students with disibilities and am now on last non credit reading course! At the middle of the semester three weeks ago I had a 76 adverage hopfully pass it!!

In the spring registering for math 012 second part of non credit math hopful y I will pass 011 so I can take it, World Civilization II, Speech, Computer Fundamentals,

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 11/23/2004 - 12:23 PM


For got to say that for what I want to get Major in when I transfer to four year college and get my degree in is Rec Admin(BA) Community Recreation and they only math course for credit I need to take is Intermediate Algebra. Some other classes I have taken for credit are Modern Dance got an A, Psychology Intro to Psychology I B. So I know that I am capable of college level work. I am a liberal arts major and am taking general education cources towards evently transfering to Kean University in Union, NJ. Thanks to I know exactlly what cources I need to take. Yes I do get tutoring throught LD program which I pay for. It’s 4 credits. But other then extended test time there is not much college does.

Submitted by victoria on Tue, 11/23/2004 - 11:07 PM


Do you have a specific question that I can try to help with?

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 11/24/2004 - 12:47 PM


Do you think it would be ok if I were to finish the rest of my associates degree and still have math left at the end? Can’t transfer to four year college I want to go to and still be in basic skills cources.

Submitted by victoria on Wed, 11/24/2004 - 1:16 PM


Minimum survival is one thing, the best choice (all other things being equal) is another thing.
The best thing to do is to get the hard subjects out of the way before they become an emergency. Also the math may be there as a requirement because it is needed for some other course in science and technology, and if you leave the math to last you have just made that other course extra-difficult.
You may need to work extra time on math, maybe take it a couple of times in order to get it right. You should schedule to take math in a semester when you *don’t* have a lot of other heavy stuff taking up your time, and you should start *right away* with a tutor and the math center at the college — get it right at first, pre-study your topics before the class; don’t wait until you’re failing and have fallen behind. And if you can’t do it all in one semester, do what you can and then the next semester go back and start right off with a good tutor again and get ahead at the beginning.
If you get down to the wire and it’s a question of just surviving, yes you can leave math to the end, but I’ve seen a lot of people get themselves painted into a corner that way and would not recommend it.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 11/25/2004 - 7:00 AM


Yeah, what Victoria said…
It will hurt you to have everything pretty well done and then have to do math at the end of your studies. One thing that is neat is to just go full throttle on math during the summer. That is really fun becasue you can have a good five weeks or so and just learning that mathematics. I passes Elementary Algebra that way, even though it was my third attempt. One thing that I know is that if you are stuck taking math then you have to keep up with it along with your other courses and keep a really organsied datebook for study, that is helpful. Also, depending on your course of study, you can totally take your math class during a semester where you do not have just like scads of way hard classes. Like, I am doing intermediate algebra (once again) in the spring, but I am taking that with courses applicable to my course of study that are within the realm of my i.q. That way, I can up the hours a day I spend on math without missing out on anything else. Little tricks are cool to play sometimes. Your spring schedule sounds like you would have a fair time to study math, especially with world civ II, that is memory work and sometimes you can get nice outlines from the book, ask your prof about powerpoint stuff and whatnot.

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