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NVLD in college, what helps you to learn math?

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Hi everybody,
I have just been diagnosed with NVLD. All of the learning disability coordinators at my college say there is money available to me now, for things I need. Math in physics and statistics is the bane of my academic existence right now. I can usually get a math question right if I dictate to another person what they should do, but if I have to write the steps myself and then solve the problem, I get it wrong over and over again. Even when somebody writes out the steps and rearranges/simplifies all the equations I need to use, it’ll still take me 10 tries to get the darn thing right and I won’t have any idea what made the question right on the 10th try and not the 3rd. Do you think a talking calculator would help me? I’m not sure if hearing the numbers out loud while I processed them would make a difference. Are there any other technologies or strategies you use to pass math courses? Thanks!

Submitted by Louise on Fri, 07/18/2008 - 7:29 AM


I don’t no what NVLD is but I have dyslexia and had problems with maths. I basically ended up teaching myself because nothing any teachers did worked for me. I think its a case of trying different things. For me it was a case of finding worked exams to work out the patterns on how the problems were solved. Then I wrote down the steps and used them to solve similar problems. Eventually i learned to do the problems without the step by step guide and then EVENTUALLY I understood why I was doing it. Long winded but its the only think I found that works for me. You could try a talking calculator and see if that works for you. It would be no good for me because I am no good with verbal information.

Submitted by Mandi on Mon, 07/21/2008 - 2:39 AM


ik ook! I am dyslexic multi lingual and have serious issues with math. In order to compensate for my disability and mathematical ineptitude, i married a PHD in theoretical physics 1 week and 1 day ago today. Best of luck to you figuring it all out! If it doesn’t work… My rocket scientist is not the only one out there. (Just teasing…)

Submitted by Sanvean17 on Sat, 09/11/2010 - 8:18 PM


I have Asperger Syndrome, which has alot in common in NVLD. Tutoring with step-by-step, general notes with varibles rather than numbers (rather than examples by a problem) helped, although I still struggled. I can’t remember steps for shit, so I always take alot of notes. See if you can get these kinds of notes approved when testing (or at least use them with your assignments.) School was too hard for me, so I dropped out & chose not to go with college. But when I still had faith in myself, this worked best, for the while.

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