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Palm Pilots vs. Paper Planners

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on


I’m an LD (and probably ADD) adult and struggle all of the time to be and stay organized.

I’m wondering what your experiences are with Palm Pilots and paper date books.

Today I really could have used an alarm for an appointment I missed. I wrote down 9:30-11:30 paperwork in one place but not in the calander section. I don’t know if it meant I was supposed to go into my new part-time job and fill paper work out for 2 hours or if I was supposed to get orientation or what. I wonder if the alarm would have helped me to at least have had advanced notice so that I could have called in and checked.

Also, does it take longer to find the letters on the key pad or learn the “graffiti” than it does to just write a note on regular paper.

I’d love to hear about other people’s experiences with different organizers.


Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 02/01/2002 - 8:29 PM


I”ve always been afraid I would lose the Palm Pilot. My calendar on my computer has an alarm option (of coures, the computer doesn’t have speakers…) but I’m trying to get in the habit of checking calendar basically every time I blink — I’ve got a card that just says “Remember” on it to remind me that I won’t. (I put it up there when I forgot something important, that I *thought* I had hammered into the cranium.)

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 02/25/2002 - 1:59 PM


Hi :)
I have a Palm Pilot but rarely use it. I thought it would help me get organized but because of slow visual motor processing….I NEVER use it…..What works best for me is a wall calendar. For school, I make copys of each month for each class and write down assignments there…..The main trick is to write the appt. or test date, etc down right away. Waiting until later never works for me. I forget this or that or something!!!!

Wall calandars or copies work best so I can see the “whole” month in front of me. Breaking it down into little chuncks just helps me to forget more. That’s why my palm pilot is more of a toy than a tool for me. I love it, but not to keep me organized.

Hope this helped a bit.

Susi :)

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/06/2002 - 10:59 PM


Hi everyone,

Thank you for responding to my post. I decided to buy a Handspring Visor because I liked the bigger screen.

I love the alarm function. I set it a lot and it has helped me remember to do things. AA you’re right — it certainly doesn’t help when you procrastinate. But at least the reminder is there for when I finally do get around to doing whatever it is that I’m avoiding doing.

Today I used the memo function to jot down the name of a doctor that someone gave me. Had I scribbled it on a piece of paper, I’d have lost it already.


Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/20/2002 - 3:45 AM


I have visual perception difficulties and have not used a pda because of the small screen as well as needing to see the whole month at a glance. Are you familiar with the ebookman-franklin electronics? It has a bigger screen than the other pdas but I wondered if it was compatable with outlook. Actually it is not a pda, but on an internet site I read that some people have been able to use it.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/20/2002 - 3:47 AM


I have visual perception difficulties and have not used a pda because of the small screen as well as needing to see the whole month at a glance. Are you familiar with the ebookman-franklin electronics? It has a bigger screen than the other pdas but I wondered if it was compatable with outlook. Actually it is not a pda, but on an internet site I read that some people have been able to use it.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.

LDMom wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Thank you for responding to my post. I decided to buy a
> Handspring Visor because I liked the bigger screen.
> I love the alarm function. I set it a lot and it has helped
> me remember to do things. AA you’re right — it certainly
> doesn’t help when you procrastinate. But at least the
> reminder is there for when I finally do get around to doing
> whatever it is that I’m avoiding doing.
> Today I used the memo function to jot down the name of a
> doctor that someone gave me. Had I scribbled it on a piece
> of paper, I’d have lost it already.
> LDMom

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