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Question re: 2 schools

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Hello. I’m new to this forum and grateful that I found it! I have a 15 year old daughter (currently a freshman in high school) with significant learning disabilities. She has an IQ of 85 and is currently in skills (remedial) level classes that are each taught by a regular-ed teacher and co-taught by an LD teacher. Although she will graduate from high school with a standard high school diploma, post secondary options will be very limited for her. In being realistic, she will probably not be able to attend a regular college, even those with support as I’m not sure it would be enough support for her. She’s in general math now and I doubt she’ll even get to Algebra 100 in the next 3 years. Also, the pace of a regular-ed classroom without an LD teacher would be way too fast for her as her processing speed is very slow. She currently reads and comprehends at a 5th -7th grade level (which has been improving).
I have heard of Beacon College which sounds wonderful for someone like my daughter who would like a post secondary education and wants to go into graphic design, but it’s very far from where we live and she also needs to develop life skills. I was thinking that maybe a life skills school would be good for her first.
We live in the midwest and I was wondering if anyone has any experience/information/opinion on the PACE program through National Lewis University in Skokie, IL. and the OPTIONS program through Brehm Prep. in Carbondale, IL.
I would also like any opinions on this idea that I have of a transitional school first for two years as a stepping stone, to either Beacon or a techical college or junior college. I know they are all very expensive so I want to make sure we try to go down the right path.
I know this is early since my daughter is only a freshman in high school, and I hope she’ll continue to make progress over the next 3 years, but I just wanted to start investigating potential options and would very much appreciate any input. I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed.

Submitted by Joe Tag on Mon, 04/09/2007 - 10:18 PM


Hi. You are on the right track; though do explore the 2-year community colleges that your daughter can commute to, also. Check out Parkland.Edu; is that close-by?

Submitted by jnuttallphd on Tue, 05/01/2007 - 6:04 PM


I would also focus on developing skills now in high school. I have a website Effective Education for Parenting You might be interested in the article “The Real Board of Education”.
You daughter sounds a lot like mine. My daughter went to the local community college. She passed their massage therapy curriculum. This gave her a good feeling of having gone to school after high school. She now works as a supervising crew chief at a fast food restaurant and is married. She is very happy.
James Nuttall — Michigan

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