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Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I have a student with severe ADHD. He is not on any medication and his partents will not put him on medication. He has difficulty finishing any assignment without me working directly with him. I must always give him redirection, and get him started on his assignment. I collaborate with the general education teacher in a general edcation classroom. As soon as I go to help another student he is off task again!

Submitted by pattim on Wed, 03/03/2004 - 2:01 AM


by himself and isolated? What is the age? Sometimes if you can reason with the kid, give them a koosh ball or do brain gym with them you can re focus them… parents who put their head in the sand have no idea how frustrating it is for their child to go through this agony over and over again. It won’t get better until the parents decide to jump on the bandwagon and work as part of the team to help their son become independent and confident.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 03/23/2004 - 1:00 PM


He is a sixth grade student in a full inclusion classroom; however he is very inmature. He has only one or two friends. I have not heard of the brain gym. Could you explain it to me? Thanks for your advice.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/24/2004 - 3:31 AM



I am also dealing with a student who has the same problems. He doesn’t cause problems with the rest of the class, he jsut always seems to be off-task and unfocused. Lately I have been having meetings with the student at the beginning of the week. We discuss what he needs to do during the week to be successful and complete assignments on time and offer him a reward that he can work for and recieve on Fridays. Also, involving his parents in the process is very beneficial. I keep in constant contact with his parents through daily emails and discuss his goals for the week and his progress in meeting those goals. I have been seeing dramatic results in his performance! Sure, I still have to redirect him occasionally, but it is much better than before.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 03/25/2004 - 5:01 AM


is a form of large movement exercises that an OT can show you. They are done with the person standing upright and moving their feet up and down like marching with their arms crossing midline and touching the knees. You can check out the Brain Gym program on-line. You can purchase a book about Brain Gym inexpensively.

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