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help with scores

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

my son had some teast doner I need help understanding these
broad reading 93 31%
broad math 98 44%
broad written 76 5%

skills 90 24%
letter word identfication 89 23%
passage comp 97 43%
calculation 86 18%
appilied problems 113 81%
dictation 81 11%
writing samples 78 7 %

WISC 111

verbal 121
performance 104
full 113

information 17
similarities 14
artithmetic 11
vocabulary 12
comphrension 13

picture completion 9
coding 5
picture arrangement 16
block design 10
object assembly 13

He is 10 years old and is suffering in school but is bright verbally.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 09/26/2002 - 12:46 AM


Well I think I can help some with the WISC-III scores. (Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children)

Basically the test gives you three main scores, Verbal IQ, Performance IQ, and Full Scale IQ. Both Verbal and Performance are comprised of 5 subtests each. That’s what you see below it, information, similarites,etc. The Full Scale is comprised of the Verbal and Performance scores together. Between 90 and 110 is usually considered average range. It’s very complicated.

It seems that your child is slightly above average. However there is a difference between his verbal scores and his performance. Which usually means that there is something he’s not getting, or understanding. The subtests have a raw score of 1-19 with 1 being very low. It looks like he has problems with coding (concentration, speed,visual motor ). So maybe he has a hard time concentrating on his work?

The other test the WJ-R (Woodcock-Johnson Revised) is used to determine if a student has a learning disability or not. It seems that he has a problem with writting.

If your child is going through Child Study or if the school is determining if he is eligible or not then they will have a meeting with you and will help you understand all the “foreign language” This is just what I understand from the test and what I know. The school psychologist will be able to tell you much more. So please don’t take my word for everything. I just thought I might be of little help. Hope all goes well for you and your son.

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