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Illinois Super. taking on homeschoolers

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 11/26/2002 - 5:07 PM


I suspect the super. is misreading current trends and doesn’t realize that homeschoolers are no longer regarded as a fringe element.
I cringe, though, when HSLDA is “the source” for information about homeschoolers. They like to be considered spokesmen, but tHey’ve got there own agenda that doesn’t have much to do with independent thinking.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 11/26/2002 - 5:54 PM


( is”a free press for a free people” with a hard lean to the right side — so it makes sense they’d feature HSLDA more prominently) — Peoria Journal-Star “Bureau’s actions bother dozens of home-schoolers”

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