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Looking for resources on how to homeschool a diabled child

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I am a mother of a 15 year old middle schooler who is in the ADAPT program at his school. But I would like to home school him after this year (which next year will be his first high school year). I would like some info on what I need to do or what resources are out there for us to access. Thanks!

Submitted by eoffg on Sat, 10/08/2011 - 7:25 AM


Hi Lizzy,
Their are a great deal of resources for homeschooling now. Where one of the main resources is the internet and being able network with other homeschooling parents.
Their are many homeschooling forums, which are very helpful to discuss different programs. If you do a google of homeschooling, you’ll find many.
Also do a google and add the name of your state to homeschooling. As many states have networks setup.
But you could also do one with the name of your town/ city, as their could be one in your town as well? Though if their isn’t one, you can get help with setting up one.

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