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Old reading and math how-to-tutor posts now available

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Some time ago I was spending a lot of time here at LDOnline answering how-to questions. Realizing that I was re-typing the same information over and over, I started saving the posts and sending them. Then there got to be too many to pick and choose so I started sending out a large packet. Well, that got unwieldy, and then I got really fed up with people taking me to say exactly the opposite of what was clearly written, so there has been rather a long hiatus.

Anyway, I have found a good place to put these posts, and other good reference material, available for anyone who is interested.

If you would like some simple, direct, no-frills information on effective methods of tutoring students in reading, writing, and math — absolutely free and no strings attached whatever — please go to

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