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Processing Speed Questions

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

What is the best way to improve processing speed in a student/child??? Also how does one know when a student/child has received/processed all the information taught at any specific moment??? What is the best way/method to teach a child with slow processing speed???

Thank You,

Submitted by always_wondering on Thu, 11/01/2007 - 1:05 PM


Best way - It depends on the reason for the processing speed deficit. Could be ADD, vision issues, temporal issues, etc.

How do you know if student processed all info. - You don’t. Especially when they have other output difficulties.

What does the dr. who did the testing recommend?

Submitted by readingdiva on Fri, 11/02/2007 - 12:17 AM


If we rule out physical problems, such as visual deficits, how do you improve processing speed? Everyone talks about it, but I have yet to read how you remediate it. I have read quite a few reports by psychologists, and I have yet to read specific remediation recommendations.

I would love to hear any ideas. I have read about a few pricey programs, but I hesitate to buy something that doesn’t have much research behind it.

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