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Reading Effortlessly at grade level

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

We have an 8 year old girl who carries a diagnosis of dyslexia and has been identified as having auditory processing deficits. Emma has complete an a visual training program and an at home program of Fast Forward and Step4 Forward. With the visual training we noticed a big change in Emma’s ability to attend. Pre and post Fast Forward training show a tremendous gain in areas related to central auditory processing.Is Emma reading a grade level, No but we are getting closer. My husband and I believe that for Emma the underlying sensory input weaknesses needed to be addressed. Emma will be working on her timing this summer with Interactive Metronome. Next fall we hope to enroll her in a private school focused on children with learning difference. This school uses the Wilson Reading program.As with any athlete, some are born with great natural gifts. Others develop abilities with appropriate modeling and practice, while they may never be world class, they can still be effortless in their actions. We feel that Emma has greatly strengthened her input devices so that she will gain a great deal from the Wilson reading program.We have done all this without the support of our public school. Are feeling is that the public schools would invest in early intervention there would be a higher percentage of learners with differences reading effortlessly.Just the thoughts of a parent. Vivian

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