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A reason for delayed inclusion

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Dear All,

I think the biggest threat to inclusion is the fact that ‘normal’ children are growing up in a world where it is common place to dislike each other. Why do they bully disabled peers? Why should they? ….they’ve been taught to criticise the ‘weaker’ ones for the sake of self-fulfillment, of course…. It’s sad, but true.
So, what can adults do? Any suggestions?

Also, people seem to focus too much on what disabled people CAN’T do instead of what they CAN do.

If we remove all this hysterical sense of achievement we have and the feeling of proving that ‘I am someone’, then who is ‘disabled’?

No one.

Thanks for reading this.

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 06/03/2002 - 7:08 PM


What can we do?

Stop reinforcing the competitive attitude and the sense that if you’re not the best it’s not worth doing something — basically stop the incessant COMPARING and judging.

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