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students who cannot read or write

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Hi im from Jamaica with a set of grade eight students who cannot read or write at their age level or grade level and im on practice teaching and i have to teach them Mathematics and Social Studies. In math i have to teach them measurement and its difficult for me to come up with interesting ideas for my class..It seems that the students will participate once they have an activity to do and sometimes its difficult

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/14/2001 - 5:00 AM


: Hi im from Jamaica with a set of grade eight students who cannot read
: or write at their age level or grade level and im on practice
: teaching and i have to teach them Mathematics and Social Studies.
: In math i have to teach them measurement and its difficult for me
: to come up with interesting ideas for my class..It seems that the
: students will participate once they have an activity to do and
: sometimes its difficultTry measuring everything around you. How tall is each student? Make graphs of height. How big is the classroom? The school? Once you have lengths, what about areas? Weights? Measure volumes of drink containers, cups, etc. with water and a measuring cup. Measure temperature every morning and afternoon and make graphs of daily morning temperatures and evening temperatures. Measure temperature every hour over one day and night and make a graph of it. What does all this data tell you? What patterns do you see? Start planning a dream house or a dream school. Make scale drawings, and maybe scale models of dream bedrooms in shoeboxes. How do you convert measurements to scale? What sizes are typical rooms? Figure out the area of the kitchen floor and the living room floor and go to the home store, price linoleum and carpets, and figure out how much it will cost you. Figure out the volume of a bedroom and go see what kind of air conditioner you need to cool that much air. Design a swimming pool and figure out how much water you need to fill it. Measurement is fun!Now, a request for you. I am looking for copies of Ladybird Sunstart reading books and especially the workbooks, new or used as long as not too much written in. Cam you help? Please em,ail if you can get any. ThanksVictoria

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/14/2001 - 5:00 AM


:I do lots of “contests” in my class to generate student interest. For measurement, I’d bring in some bananas of very different sizes. Put the kids together in 2 people groups. Ask the students to guess the lengths of the several different bananas.Pick up the shortest banana and ask the students to guess its length. Have someone write their guesses on the board. When all guesses for all bananas are on the board, measure each banana. The group that got closest to the banana’s length can have that banana.You can do the same with oranges and weights. You can do the same with lots of different things. My students never tire of it and they always enjoy the treat at the end.If you need more ideas as you teach, e-mail me and I’ll send you some.Your students are lucky to have a teacher like you who clearly cares about them.Good luck.Hi im from Jamaica with a set of grade eight students who cannot read
: or write at their age level or grade level and im on practice
: teaching and i have to teach them Mathematics and Social Studies.
: In math i have to teach them measurement and its difficult for me
: to come up with interesting ideas for my class..It seems that the
: students will participate once they have an activity to do and
: sometimes its difficult

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