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Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Some body please tell me I’m not crazy. I have a 6 year old son that will be 7 at the start of the next school year. He is currently in K and receives services because he is learning delayed. I would say that this is learning disability. He is endanger of not progressing to the 1st grade. He has had an IEP since he was 2 years old and receiving services. I also have a 5 year old that will be starting K next school year. I am worried about the emotional impact that this can have on my oldest if they hold him back. I have put my 6 year old into Sylvan and what I can see it has given him confidence and fundamental skills that he did not have 3 months ago. His current IEP says he should be receiving service 3 x a week for 30 mintues. However, his teacher, me and the special ed teacher agreed before Thanksgiving to adust that to 5 x a week for an hour a day. We were all in agreeance that this would benefit him the best. He has long term and short term memory issues that requires you to continuously go over things day in and day out. We didn’t redo his IEP on paper. I have asked his father to pay for half of this Sylvan bill but he feels that I should pull my son out of his regular class more often rather then spend the money. I have a total of 3 kids ranging that are 4, 5, 6 and I work full time and he is trying to tell me that I should have handled this at home instead of putting him into Sylvan. He enjoys Sylvan and it seems to be helping. Am I crazy for putting him into Sylvan at such a young age. My thought pattern was that I wanted to give him the fundamentals to get out of K and then see how he does in 1st grade. I am fully mentally prepared to retain him into the 1st grade if that is what he needs then. Any body have any advice or suggestions?

Thank you

Submitted by scifinut on Sat, 05/05/2007 - 2:54 PM


I would say if it is helping him, he enjoys it and is making progress, then its a good thing. :)

Submitted by jnuttallphd on Sat, 05/05/2007 - 8:39 PM


Getting help early is important. So since the Sylvan Learning Center is making a good difference for your son, I would say this is great. It is always better to tackle these learning difficulties early been to delay and make the problem worse by delaying. I congratulate you on your quick action to help your son.

I have learning disabilities/dyslexia myself. I have also tutored my stepdaughter at home, since I was unable to afford the Sylvan Learning Center. I married my wife when my stepdaughter was 13. She sure needed to help much earlier.

James Nuttall — Michigan
Dictated with Dragon NaturallySpeaking 9

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