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TouchMath Question

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Has anyone ever used the TouchMath kit for money and telling time?

I am the Mom of a 9 year old boy with severe visual processing problems who was way behind in math until we discovered TouchMath last summer. In six months he has gone through their homeschool version of Grades 1 and 2, and he can now do double and triple digit addition and subtraction, although he still has to count with imaginary touchpoints. (I doubt that he will EVER remember a math fact. We tried Touchmath after Miquan and Sinapore Math didn’t work.)

Before we go on to sequence counting and mutliplication, I am more concerned that my son master the survival math skills of counting money and telling time. But I am hesitant to spend $200 on a kit that may be little more than plastic coins and clock models, which I already have at home, and haven’t worked for my son in the past.

Does TouchMath have a unique way to teach money skills? I will gladly buy the classroom kit if it has the same TouchMath magic for my son.

Any thoughts?


Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 02/23/2004 - 2:41 AM


Touch math money is basically counting by 5’s. A quarter has 5 dots, a dime 2 and a nickel 1 and then the students count up with pennies. I don’t have the program but the concept has worked well with my students.

Submitted by scross on Fri, 03/12/2004 - 2:44 PM


I have been using the Edmark TouchMoney program for two years. My students have seen incredible success with this program. I believe I paid around $60.00 for the program which consisted of a binder with instructions as well as many worksheets to use during each stage of the program. Within a month my students are typically able to total groups of various coins.

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