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WizCom Reading Pen:AnyoneUse it?

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

PASSWORD>aabL3A4qSQ7sAI am intrigued by the WizCom Reading Pen II (earlier version I). It is apparently a small handheld “scanner” that can scan a word (or a line or two) and verbally announce the word (speaker or earphone) or announce the definition. My 9year old son (third grade) has adequate word attack skills, but very slow fluency (word retrieval/speeded naming deficit). He has a low confidence level and low self-esteem. He loves “gadgets” and it would seem that giving him this pen would encourage him to read more by choice. (He absolutely has never chosen to read for pleasure or by choice — only when required to do so by parent or teacher.)I would anticipate allowing him to use the Reading Pen only for “free choice reading” at home…not the required reading he does with an adult monitoring. Using this “gadget” would be an incentive to try to get him to “choose” to read some on his own.Has anyone used this WizCom Reading Pen? Any other thoughts about this? Thanks. Kathleen

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