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A word of encouragement, and many words of Thanks and Gratit

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I’m an adult with LD. Nearly thirty years ago, I was diagnosed with “Slow Motor Control”…basically means that when it comes to hands on things I’m really horrible at them, and takes me far longer to learn,master, and do them.
I also suspect that I may have a couple of other LD’s that were not diagnosed…but not totally sure. Even now as an adult LD’s are still a challenge in my life…and am thankful for them- in that in learning to accept that I have them, I look at things, and life in general….and the many lessons, opportunities, and situations I’ve been in and have helped others due to my learning disability.
Save for my first grade year, I was pretty much in the LD resource room part of the time durring the years I was in the LD program my local public schools offered at the time. (Not sure if they still do! But I am very thankful that it was there and available when I needed it!)I think it’s fair to say that everyone’s had good teachers and god awful ones, too. But, in all good conscience, I have to thank those ladies, those educators that saw one LD girl get an education, that didn’t give up on me when my own father did! Handwriting ,Math and Science were my worse nightmares…LOL still are if you want to know the truth. Don’t get me wrong- if not for the LD resource room, I wouldn’t be able to write as well as I do- and have it readable today! For that I owe a huge gift of gratitude, and thanksgiving!
So, those of you that teach special needs kids- no matter what their disability- you DO make an honest to God Difference! I really hate bragging on myself, but, it’s true- one of my cousins is an educator, and she used to use me as an illustration of what a LD student can do- fight like hell for her education against all odds…Granted I have just a high school diploma, but when the time is right, and if it’s meant for me to do it, I think I’d like to give back to repay the debt I owe, and hopefully make the same difference for other children that having LD made in my life as a kid!
PLEASE don’t give up- You guys REALLY DO make a difference! I guess I should shut up- and the like- it’s kinda hard to type when you’ve got tears rolling down your face non stop! LOL…
Genita Love…Former LD Resource room Student…

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 03/06/2003 - 2:08 AM


The special needs children NEED that hope…and the knowledge that they have just as much right as any other child - to get an education, interact with their peers, and contribute to society on a level, and equal playing field! And they should be encouraged at any cost to do just that! No child should fall between the cracks of the system or our society due to discrimnation or whatever other society evils out there may dictate- these kids that Special Ed Teachers and LD resource Room instructors teach day in and day out ARE worth the effort….I should know that all too well…I am one…I’m not sure what all I can do to make that ideal a reality, but I’m more than willing to take a shot at it! Even if it is just posting on a message board…LOL….at least it’s something! Even if it means just one kid gets that ONE shot at a great future then it’d be worth it no matter what!

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 03/06/2003 - 7:14 PM


Wow, thank you from an ld mom now the tears are running down my face.

I have always believed in my son and that he can do anything and he now has a teacher who is proving me right.

All of us with young kids need to hear positive input from adults who have been through the programs.

Best of luck to you always.

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 03/07/2003 - 9:15 AM


I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry,Ma’am. But I did feel that it was more than time that I expressed my thanks and gratitude for LD being there when I needed it, as a school kid.

I’m really glad that your son has YOU and a teacher that has the tools to bring out the best in him!Who knows, maybe some day, your son will post on a fourm like this and express his thanksgiving and gratitude for the teachers and other school professionals that helped him durring his school years!

I really think that Special Ed educators don’t hear “Thank You, you made a difference in my life” enough. It’s something they need to hear- as do the parents that fight for their child’s education…

I may be just one woman with a high school diploma, and a former LD resource room student, but I’m willing to do what I can to ease the way for the kids that are dealing with the same struggles,challenges and hardships that LD’ers face- and still face as adults…I don’t know what else or all I can do to help out and make it easier for them, but if I knew, I’d be more than willing to do it!
I hope your son has the shining bright future you want for him..and I hope that he soars like an Eagle when he gets his hands on it! Best of luck, Good thoughts, and remembrance!

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