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Expert Q&A

I’m seeking information about how the brain in LD students works differently than the brain in non-LD students. Can you connect me with on-line links?

Researchers are doing much to reveal the secrets of the brain. The brain is a complex “universe.” This “universe” is responsible for our thinking, learning, emotions, sensations, and so much more.

Learning disabilities are often defined as “inefficient processing of information from the sensory input source to the brain and then back out.” This means the information processing system of the student with learning disabilities is expected to be different than that of a student in a general education program. Perhaps information becomes distorted in a relay station to the brain, in the storage process, or in the manner in which information from different sensory input systems is combined.

Today there is no clear answer about how the brain of students with LD differs from that of the student who does not have a learning disability. Studies about brain processing, however, are beginning to tell us more about why students with leaning disabilities struggle with learning.

Here are some Web sites that help clarify how the brain’s of students with LD may be different from those of students without LD. There are many different types of learning disabilities. To date no one study of the brain can tell us clearly how students with different types of LD process information.

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