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My son is 7 years old with ADHD and is in the first grade. He had a rough time this year in school and the school wants to hold him back. I just found out that my son was diagnosed with special needs. Now the school is giving me a choice of whether I want him to go to the next grade or stay in the first grade. I do not know what to do.

Your school professionals concluded that your son has learning disabilities and ADHD. He will need special education services along with the general education programs. He will also need medication to address the ADHD.

The question of repeating first grade or moving on to second grade should be based on the extent of his problems and his basic skill levels. The school professionals should make a specific recommendation and not leave the decision to you.

Should you agree, fine. Should you not, you might want to seek the advise of a private special education consultant to advise you. Without more information, I cannot make a recommendation.

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