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Expert Q&A

What kind of “safety net” do parents have after their child has been terminated from special education?

I work with kids with special needs in grades K-8. When a child is exited from an IEP, parents often see this as a good thing intellectually, but emotionally they feel frightened.

“Where is my support system going?” they wonder, and, “What will I do now that I have no legal recourse?”

Do you have resources or suggestions for helping the parents transition?

Your question addresses parental concerns about the absence of a safety net when their child’s special education eligibility is being terminated because the child has made adequate progress.

First, it is possible for a student that is making good progress and functioning at a level suggesting special education may no longer be needed to have an IEP that gradually reduces the level of service prior to formal termination. This can reduce the risk that the student goes from a needed level of support to no support and suffers regression or other problems as a result.

Another option for students in these situations is for the student to shift from an IEP to a 504 plan as an interim measure. This also allows for some greater degree of protection and/or attention as the student shifts from a higher level of special education service to regular services.

Finally, in many schools, a student should be able to receive a variety of study supports and other accommodations available to regular education students, even in the absence of formal special education eligibility or 504 status. In addition, if the student begins to experience serious problems after eligibility is terminated, the parents can request that the child be reevaluated for renewed special education or Section 504 eligibility.

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