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Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Congessional testimony? It’s all here. Write or email your congressman refer him here. Ask him to leave a posting. If you type in his name on most search engines You’ll find his email and snail mail address. Let him know how many LD folks there are out here. Those over 18 are voters. Those under 18 have parents that vote.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 05/26/2002 - 3:23 PM


All I can say is their politicians and they don’t care about us just them self’s. I’m 28 with A.D.D. and L.D. and don’t believe in voting any more because they say one thing and do another. It takes all of us to put them in office and one of them to back stab all of us.

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 05/27/2002 - 4:04 AM


The politicians have traditionally been the whores of big business. I think thing have changed slightly. Their jobs were to do the bidding of big corporations wich they still do but they spend most of their time trying to keep their jobs. The agencies are more powerful than the politicians. Even if your state senator or assemblyman wanted to help you his hands would be tied but if enough pols state and federal agreed on our plight counted our numbers they’d work for our votes. Of course they don’t care about us. All they care about is their phoney jobs. If we can put them in fear of losing their jobs, they will have to take us seriously. We are numbers to them. The bigger the numbers the more they count. We can’t bribe them like the state agencies do.but we can call them and write them and tell them we want their support for our needs otherwise we will campaign against them. Thesa bottom feeding slime only understand 2 things. Those are fear and money.

We need common sense legislation to meet our needs. As you may know, I hope every state VR slacker dies of rectal cancer. You see welfare reform didn’t go far enough. It should have put those virulent slimes on a chain gang. What is needed is incentives for employers to hire more less abled workers. Private enterprise solves problems. Government creates problems.

New York State is a shining example of rotten government. People and business are leaving in droves. Jobs are scarce. This make finding gainful employment even more difficult for LD folks. Bad government hurts everyone especially us. Get involved politically. Volunteer to work on an election committee. Maybe even for the enemy (Republicans) and monkey wrench em.

We still have the constitution even though they’re dimantling it. We have free speech sort of. We have the right to organize. We have the right to be unpleasant to our enemies. As you may know I advcate being downright nasty to punks and bullies. I would not hesitate calling out some punk and scaring the crap out of them by pushing the envelope of whats legal. Don’t break the law just bend it a lot. Leave civility for friends family and strangers. Use hostility on your enemies. If it were legal I’d have pounded the crap out of every AH in the state education dept and felt good about it but were a country of laws and we have to be more clever than that. We can win this fight but it won’t be easy. You can start by unleashing some venom on the appropriate scumbag and make them crap their pants. It’s fun and it feel great.

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