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Any one interested

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Hello from Bonnie,

Just wanted to say thanks to all of you so far that have given me some great in put for that up comming seminar I have in May. HE!! I must be doing something right I have been invited by our local government office (your equal to VRS) to help them with how to make a presentation to those of us with Learning Disabilities. Who knows I may have cracked a large nut or maybe I’m the nut for thinking you can change the system.
I was in Windsor Ont. ( for those of you who do not know where Windsor Ont is just the other side of the river from Ditroit Mi.) While I was there I told the people I was talking with and helping them start up an Adult support group,it was put out on the table that possibly we could band together to work out some common problems found on both side of the border. While I was at the conference I noticed that although very good information was given most othe non L.D. world thinks that we are disabled in a more sever way other than our processing, what I mean by this is okay we have issues ,but we are average to above average intellect. So why don’t we take up the challenge to beat them at their own game.
I understand that others before us have struggled long and hard to at least get us reckonized as being different and need some supports but it seem to me that we are headed down a slippery sloap that will burry us is red tape and paper (that God forbiden writting again ). I gave out this Web address and I spoke to my local office that we do the same, so we have a Canadian perpective as well as your very busy Americian one. I purposed to my boss that we possibly have a gathering next summer to have an exchange of ideas and such along with inviting guest speaker and such. I’m looking for input to this to see if any of you would be interested in attending. From what I have read from your responses we up here seem to be a little more progressive in our Adult Supports (no offence intended ) so we can bring out those who are the leaders in Adult support issues along with others. The reason I suggest Canada is the simple fact our $ down there is worth about $.50 so your dollar would go further up here and we would be able to attend ( beside being a dual citizen this country if you haven’t seen it is a great place to visit ).

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 04/01/2003 - 4:46 AM



What a great idea! Thanks for all the work you do for all of us LD folk.

I might actually be close enough to come to such a conference. Would it be open (or of interest) to us “lay” people or of more interest to the professionals on board?

Barb Bloom

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 05/06/2003 - 9:14 PM


I also would be very intrested but I live in norther Cal.I just dont see how I could mack it work. From a hole Yanck to a part time Yancky it would be nice to see all my fathers famialy and to partisapait in the inlightanning of ower strugel.
So can u please be my voice? Let them know that most LDer have high IQ, that we tend to be rather gifted and that there just hasent been a device or tecknek to help all of us yet.Please help them understand that we are not mintaly chalenged or slow in the head that we just short surcet some times and proses things difrently.
Thanck you for all you are doing. Toni
PS. and it would be net to meat u Barb. Oh well go get them for me, hu

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