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LD OnLine News Headlines

The latest news stories about LD and ADHD.

Hiding In Plain Sight: How Complex Decoding Challenges Can Block Comprehension for Older Readers (opens in a new window)

The Education Trust

May 16, 2024

People often blame smartphones and other digital distractions as the reason why so many kids today aren’t good readers. But the low reading proficiency rates of middle school students predate the advent of the smartphone, so the answer must lie elsewhere. An often-overlooked culprit may be the increasing demands placed on older students’ foundational literacy skills once they must independently read and comprehend complicated, discipline-specific texts.

Rethinking how dyslexia is diagnosed (opens in a new window)


May 16, 2024

Dyslexia affects one in every 5 Americans. But only 2 million are diagnosed and receive the help they need. Why? On Point interviews experts Tim Odegard, Murfree Chair of Excellence in Dyslexic Studies at Middle Tennessee State University; and Clarice Jackson, founder of Black Literacy Matters, Voice Advocacy Center, and Decoding Dyslexia Nebraska, a nationwide parent support group created to raise awareness about dyslexia.

Students with dyslexia face challenges transitioning to the workplace, but with support they can thrive (opens in a new window)

The Conversation

May 15, 2024

Transitioning from university to the workplace is a critical period in anyone’s life, but it can be especially challenging for students with dyslexia. While academic settings often offer accommodations for people with dyslexia, professional environments often fall short on such support systems.

Fortunately, there are strategic interventions that can be established in workplaces to help individuals with dyslexia not only adapt, but excel in their careers.

‘A Unique Challenge’: What English Learners With Disabilities Need (opens in a new window)

Education Week

May 15, 2024

Students with disabilities face a gamut of challenges when it comes to accessing high-quality K-12 education, including a shortage of specialized teachers. The nation’s growing English-learner population faces outsized needs as their English-language proficiency scores remain lower than pre-COVID-19-pandemic averages, and immigrant English learners in particular require more trauma-informed instruction.

English learners who also have disabilities face their own intersectional issues, researchers and advocates say. They range from schools locking students out of dual-language programs in favor of English-only special education programs, language barriers between schools and families, and teachers ill-equipped to serve their students’ needs.

I’m a Creative Director with Dyslexia, AI Takes My Creativity to Places I Never Imagined (opens in a new window)


May 15, 2024

This guest op-ed is by Gil Gershoni is the co-founder and creative director of Gershoni Creative and the founder of Dyslexic Design Thinking.

In the past, seemingly mundane tasks like sending an email presented a challenge, draining time and mental energy. I would often spend upwards of an hour dictating, reading, re-reading, and asking a colleague to proofread before finally hitting send. Now, with a simple prompt in ChatGPT, my thoughts are magically transformed into clear, concise words. What once took precious time can be accomplished with a click, freeing up my brain to focus on what it does best: bringing ideas and strategies to life that help my clients stay ahead of the curve. 

The Pros and Cons of AI in Special Education (opens in a new window)

Education Week

May 15, 2024

Special education teachers fill out mountains of paperwork, customize lessons for students with a wide range of learning differences, and attend hours of bureaucratic meetings.

It’s easy to see why it would be tempting to outsource parts of that job to a robot.

21 Inclusive Picture Books to Jump-Start Summer Reading (opens in a new window)

School Library Journal

May 03, 2024

School Library Journal has proudly partnered with We Are Kid Lit Collective to share and promote the group’s 10th annual summer reading recommendations. In the next couple of weeks, SLJ will publish individual posts featuring their recommendations for picture books, transitional books, middle grade, and young adult titles. 

Inside a School That Doesn’t Single Out Students With Special Needs (opens in a new window)


April 18, 2024

When students walk into Ruby Bridges Elementary School to start their day, nobody is pulled aside or separated from their peers to receive special instruction.

There’s no need.

Everything at the school—from the seating to staffing—was designed to ensure students with disabilities can learn alongside their peers, transforming what has traditionally been a model of exclusion in U.S. public schools to one of inclusion and belonging.

‘Kids Are Not OK’ Says Mental Health Expert (opens in a new window)


April 08, 2024

A global pandemic, school shootings, climate change, war: Children and teenagers are experiencing and being treated for unprecedented levels of anxiety and depression. We talk with founding president of the Child Mind Institute, Dr. Harold Koplewicz, about screen time, suicidal ideation, and testing for ADHD. His latest book is Scaffold Parenting: Raising Resilient, Self-Reliant, and Secure Kids in an Age of Anxiety.

ADHD-like traits could offer humans an advantage in foraging, study suggests (opens in a new window)

The Washington Post

February 23, 2024

Traits associated with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) such as impulsivity and distractibility are known to make many everyday modern tasks more challenging.

But they may also offer humans an advantage by helping them to forage more effectively — a key technique used by hunter gatherers and nomadic tribes to survive, a new study published Wednesday suggests.

Brief But Spectacular: Future of Education (opens in a new window)

PBS NewsHour

February 14, 2024

Young people are changing up the ways they prepare for college, career, and the uncertainties of adult life. This collection explores through students’ eyes what’s possible when they get deeply involved in their learning and help shape their school experiences. Educators, parents, and community members in cities across the country also share why they’re reimagining the future of education.

‘Can you imagine if I said no?’: Henry Winkler on the moments that made his career, living with dyslexia and jumping the shark (opens in a new window)

Australian Broadcasting Corporation

February 05, 2024

We fell in love with Henry Winkler as Arthur Fonzarelli, from the very first time he slapped his hand down on the jukebox and said “Ayyyy” on Happy Days

Since then, he’s had an incredible career with roles on Night Shift, Arrested Development and Barry

Sarah Macdonald spoke with Henry Winkler about first learning he was dyslexic at age 31, his achievements as an actor and producer and his decades-long friendship with Happy Days co-star Ron Howard. 

Parenting with ADHD: 7 practical tips for success (opens in a new window)

The Conversation

January 02, 2024

A parent with ADHD may struggle with time management and staying focused. They may appear to be in control, but their daily life can be chaotic with missed appointments, trouble remembering and enforcing rules at home and a struggle to meet responsibilities.

“How to Make Middle School Less Awful: 5 Tips for ADHD Pre-Teens” (opens in a new window)


December 12, 2023

“Today, I’m the parent of a new middle schooler with ADHD, which is why my own memories of middle school awkwardness and growing pains are flooding back. But I’m using my middle school experiences to help my child transition to a new academic stage with the least amount of stress possible. Here’s what helped him – and us – so far.”

Students’ Reading Struggles Tied to Flawed Assessment. So Why Do Schools Use It? (opens in a new window)


December 12, 2023

Kelley, a single parent living in Bayview, knew something wasn’t right with her son. She asked the school to test her son for a learning disability. She said they gave her the runaround; their reading test, after all, showed her son was doing fine.

Near the end of first grade, the school finally agreed to do a more comprehensive evaluation. The results showed her son was so far behind his peers in reading and writing that he fit the profile for dyslexia. The Benchmark Assessment System had been — and would continue to be — wrong about how well he could read.

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