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The latest news stories about LD and ADHD.

Parenting with ADHD: 7 practical tips for success (opens in a new window)

The Conversation

January 02, 2024

A parent with ADHD may struggle with time management and staying focused. They may appear to be in control, but their daily life can be chaotic with missed appointments, trouble remembering and enforcing rules at home and a struggle to meet responsibilities.

“How to Make Middle School Less Awful: 5 Tips for ADHD Pre-Teens” (opens in a new window)


December 12, 2023

“Today, I’m the parent of a new middle schooler with ADHD, which is why my own memories of middle school awkwardness and growing pains are flooding back. But I’m using my middle school experiences to help my child transition to a new academic stage with the least amount of stress possible. Here’s what helped him – and us – so far.”

Students’ Reading Struggles Tied to Flawed Assessment. So Why Do Schools Use It? (opens in a new window)


December 12, 2023

Kelley, a single parent living in Bayview, knew something wasn’t right with her son. She asked the school to test her son for a learning disability. She said they gave her the runaround; their reading test, after all, showed her son was doing fine.

Near the end of first grade, the school finally agreed to do a more comprehensive evaluation. The results showed her son was so far behind his peers in reading and writing that he fit the profile for dyslexia. The Benchmark Assessment System had been — and would continue to be — wrong about how well he could read.

Disability or ‘Superpower’? The Push to Change Mindsets About Students With Learning Differences (opens in a new window)

Education Week

November 28, 2023

When Gil Gershoni was in 3rd grade and his teacher assigned the 30 or so students in his class turns at reading aloud, he quickly developed an avoidance strategy. He figured out the approximate number of seconds that each student read. Two students before his turn, he would raise his hand and ask to go to the restroom, where he’d sit in a stall and count in his head until he knew that his turn had been bypassed by at least two students. Then he would return to his seat in the classroom and hope the teacher didn’t circle back to him. Decades later, Gershoni now jokingly calls it his “power play.”

NYC families push for special education open houses as high school admissions season heats up (opens in a new window)

Chalkbeat New York

November 07, 2023

Manhattan dad Tom Fiorella wanted a public high school that could challenge his child and accommodate learning disabilities. He spent countless hours scouring websites, attending open houses, and emailing parent coordinators in search of answers.

“It’s complex – it’s a lot of work,” said Fiorella, whose child began ninth grade this year. “It was hard to get solid information.”

Now, a group of parent advocates is pushing for more high schools to offer open houses specifically geared toward students with disabilities. They’ve sent a flurry of messages to school leaders to persuade them to roll out the information sessions more widely.

Illinois is revamping its literacy plan. Parents, advocates say it needs more for students with dyslexia. (opens in a new window)

Chalkbeat Chicago

November 07, 2023

Illinois has also taken steps to change literacy instruction with the passage of a law that requires the Illinois State Board of Education to create a literacy plan by Jan. 31, 2024. In June, the state board released an initial draft of the plan, which says universal screening for literacy skills is essential and aspiring teachers need to be trained in the science of reading.

However, because the draft plan does not mandate districts to change how reading is taught in classrooms, literacy advocates worry that it is not enough to push schools to get rid of balanced literacy. 

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