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Dale S. Brown

Dale S. Brown is a tireless advocate for people who have learning disabilities. Her articles offer tips for adults with learning disabilities, as well as ideas for teachers and parents.

Articles by this author

Transition: School to Work

Job Accommodations for People with Learning Disabilities

Practical suggestions for reasonable accommodations are offered for difficulties people with learning disabilities might encounter in the workplace. Ideas are provided for trouble with reading, writing, memory, hearing, organizing and spelling.

Working with Families

Making the Most of the Telephone Network

How can you get the information that you need on the telephone? Tracking down the facts that will help your child can be difficult detective work.

Self-Esteem & Stress Management

Meeting the Challenge of Conformity

Many people with attention deficit disorder find that conforming to standard behavior in the workplace can be challenging. This article tells the story of Jane.

Transition: School to Work

Preparing for a Job While in College

Some readers starting college may already be on a career track. Others may not be sure. You should think about work as early as possible since your advance preparation will make you more attractive to employers. 

Behavior & Social Skills

Role Playing Helps Develop Social Skills

Role playing is a way of practicing basic social skills. It is particularly helpful for people with learning disabilities who have difficulty getting along with authority figures. 

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